Sunday, April 22, 2012


while some people head to church on sunday i prefer the gym. gods of iron and steel are much more forgiving than those in churches. they are also more believable and real. you cannot be a timid or halfhearted follower of the iron, although there are a lot of those out there. you have to give all your soul to these gods. somedays you must offer up blood...when you do the gods of iron and steel will reward you, not with pearly gates or 72 virgins (i would take one if offered)  you are rewarded with much more...the ability to lift more, feel better, and even look better. no amount of praying has ever done that, just hard work!

split press
180x2 5 sets

front squat
180x3 7 sets

machine press
250x3 5 sets

35 minutes

went easy today which was not easy to do. i was feeling strong and wanted to do some dumbbell presses. decided to save it for next week. planning a PR session with some of my dudes. so far i have not decided if i will layoff this week or do light training.

so let me say i don't know if i should be disappointed or ecstatic. gym got a new scale so i jumped on and was pushing 260! my clothes fit better than ever...i still see some veins and actually a few new ones. shoulders and arms look bigger and my legs feel like they are stretching my shorts. guess i have to chalk it up to the osta-rx from ironmaglabs...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

this one time at band camp...

So I was too tired to type last night, blame the insanity of training deadlifts. I did manage to get out to BW3's have some wings, watch some baseball and then head over to the theater and watch American Reunion
I was in tears the entire time...

But you aren't here for my movie reviews..

Deadlift on 2" box
300x3, 360x3, 420 2x2, 450 5 singles ---the 4th rep I had to do twice, came up halfway, regrouped and nailed it!

Deadlift for reps
450x4 430x4 380x4 330x7 280x10 ---drop sets on these, explains my soreness and pain today!

Wrist Curls
185x10 5 sets

Hammer Curls
50, 60, 70, 80 5 strict reps each arm  90x4 each arm, 50x24 rest pause reps

But wait there's more!!

Today I went in to work my lockouts, back and tris....seriously disappointing! Maybe the late night got to me, maybe the lack of food...I do know my head was not in it

Lockouts on Smith
135 185 225 5 reps, 250 3 reps, 295 2 reps ---I knew something was not right, these all hurt!
315 1 rep!---I struggled to get a second but that was not happening so drops sets were in order...
245x8 225x8 205x8 185x6 135x6

HS row
270x6 5 sets ---Could have done more but the energy was not there

100x10 7 sets

100x20 5 sets

25 minutes

Sunday, April 15, 2012

All this heavy lifting

Been lot of weight lifted and a lot of pain inflicted over the years, I hope it pays off. My week started off with a great ending to a great weekend at my parents. I had an extra day off and managed to get groceries and some extra goodies picked up. I had to get some paint for a friend's paintings I am going to do...I need to start those! Along with that I got some deliveries...aminos, t-shirt, and some peptides. Some free some not, I really love the free stuff! But from there my week went downhill! Was feeling like crap, sinuses and allergies along with some mysterious pain in my legs... Which turned out to be not such a mystery when I realized it was some nasty DOMS from chasing my dog around my parents neighborhood! Strongman and running are not compatible sports... So I took 2 days off from work to clear my head and rest my body. Refreshed I went into the gym and did this...

Push Press
145x5, 175x4, 205x3 2 sets, 235x2 5 sets

Machine Squat --- facing in
720x8 5 sets

Machine Press
270x5 5 sets, drop sets 230x3, 180x3, 140x3, 90x5

30 minutes

Wanted to do more on the squat machine but my left hammie was screaming and cramping. Also I wanted to get my weight but the scale was broke, will have to head to the grocery store which has a big one in the lobby...
I started taking Osta-RX by Ironmaglabs. Lot of potential in this product! I want to see what benefits I get in terms of strength and size. Just to be a little self serving I took measurements of my arms and legs... 17.75 and 27.5 respectively. Also looking to nail a 300lb push press...So stay tuned! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

i think i need a new shoulder

well the past is catching up to me, or at least my shoulder. long time ago i damaged it in football, that hampered me from training any press heavy. years later as i started down the path of strongman i found no issue wit hmy shoulder. recently it has reared its head... today proved it. pain in my arm and elbow, as if i had tendinitis. the shoulder is starting to be stiff and lacks range of motion. but does that stop me? hell no!

i made it through before and with proper care i can do it again. ice and rest along with aspirin will help. a lot of stretching is part of my plan. towel or band stretches have really helped. a good massage will also be beneficial. wish i could afford ART, which would really be the best to fix this. i think a true mark of a champion is knowing when to listen to your body...think mine is telling me "next week is going to be light"

power cleans 135x2, 155, 175, 195, 215--nope!, 135x3

high pulls 405x2 5 sets
upright rows 135x10 5 sets

pushdown/extension 60x10/8 5 sets

treadmill 30 minutes

that's about it...weight dropped one pound, guess the cleaned up diet and cardio is helping. looking forward to the weekend. will be relaxing with the 'rents

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Doom doom doom

i needed some heavy lifting today. this week was rough...there is just so much stupidity one person can take.

Zerchers  135, 225, 315, 365, 415, 465

Trap bar deads  420x3 4 sets

this was about all i could take. it was hot as sin in the gym, wonder if they forgot to turn on the AC??
i can feel my back getting sore already. the last set of zerchers i bounced the bar off of my forearm, that will be bruised tomorrow.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

hanging up the strongman for posing trunks....

Yes dear readers that is it. Time to get tan and lean. The choice is tough, kind of like When Luke had to decide if he was going to Alderaan with Obi Wan...

aaaaand if you haven't done so yet check your calendars!

Training today was rough. I have been tired the last few days which might explain it but I still managed to push through, pun intended!

Push Press 145x5, 175x4, 205x1 2 sets, 235 5 singles --- the last three were really strict pressed

Front Squats 235 5 singles, 205x4, 155x8
----neglected these too much, ouch!

Machine Press 180x10 5 sets ---1 minute rst between sets, last 2 sets had to finished rest pause

Treadmill 30 minutes

One thing I have noticed it my hands are soft. The bar is really digging in to my palms. That hurt worse than anything. have to figure a way to toughen them up!