Thursday, October 25, 2012

plate stealing, bar bending, pr setting...


So the anger management sessions continued. Seems like the world is setting me off. Everything from work  to the douchebag parking his motorcycle in the handicap spot at the apartment. I tried to get it all out in the gym but this crap is ceaseless. I used to think a friend was nuts when she told me she would leave the gym more angry, but now I know how she felt! 

Went back in with a vengeance to exorcise this demon. What happens? I set a PR, 815 on rack pulls. Have not trained this heavy in a long time and was surprised how easily it went up. Too bad there wasn't any room left on the bar. I had more in me....The workout was fueled by a sample of Sudden Impact, normally it is a drink but the guy that makes it is trying a pill form. Wow is all I have to say...Still jacked from it. May I suggest finding some and trying a bottle out. 

The rest of the training was great. I hit chest and lats before the rack pulls. Went heavy on all of those and was thrilled with my numbers. Made it a goal to get 20 reps total and did it. I ended the workout with wrist curls, light but that was all I had after rack pulls. If my hands feel like it I will train Captains of Crush tonight.

On to other things...I was thrilled that I received a really cool gift from someone very special. She went to Coors Field took the tour and brought me home a media guide for the White Sox. It is sooooo cool. Gotta love those kind of surprises. I also got to see Argo. What a great movie and story! I recommend seeing it. 
That's all for now....gotta buckle up for Sandy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Moobies, Barn Doors, Popeye, and Douchebags

I was not sure about training today. Was feeling burnt out and tired. Tuesday I rode 35 minutes back an forth to work. Great cardio and leg training but exhausting overall. Throw in a schedule change at work and my body and mind are saying "WTF dude??!!"

Chest, Back and Forearms were on the agenda. I decided to go lighter and add more reps. The goal for back and chest was 30 reps total, thats the set and the rest pause reps. Did that with 230 on chest press, incline flyes with 30's, rows with 230, and 120 on pulldowns.
A few twists were added on incline flyes and pulldowns. On the flyes I stretched at the bottom each rep and then did my final stretch in that position for 30 seconds. That hurt! On pulldowns I did them with a rope, which is more like a row, but you feel them in the lats!

Forearms were crazy. Did Twist Yo Wrist on the low cable. Only used 25 and managed 4 sets of 5 reps. Then I dropped to 15 for 8 and 10 for 6.  Could barely write or move my fingers! I finished off with wrist curls behind the back. 225 for 5 and then 25 rest paused reps. That was all I could stand.

Ended my training with some easy cardio on the treadmill. I really hate cardio....

Sunday, October 14, 2012

overtime, workouts, debate and grip

What a week it has been! I worked some OT and was not happy. Not because I didn't want to work, I love the extra cash and my job is easy...I hate sitting around doing nothing and then being asked to leave early. Totally ruins my day off. Oh well, I took it out on the weights.

Had three great workouts this week. Was thrilled that I made all of them. let's hope the streak continues!
Legs, chest, and shoulders were all toasted this week. Have the "good" soreness which makes me think I am growing. I still have to figure out the best way to get the biceps to grow...

Last Sunday's shoulder workout was insane. I did a seated press with 320 for 3. Was it ugly! Shoulder held up but I had to ice it later. During the week I managed to hit legs really well. Then I killed chest and back on Thursday. I am a real fan of the Hammer Strength machines. They have always felt good.

Today I switched up my shoulder routine and started with upright rows on the smith. Worked up to 325 for 3 singles then finished off with 205 for seven sets of seven. One thing I have added is front raises and think it has helped with my shoulder issues. Also band pull aparts before lifting have done wonders. Got done and could barely lift my arms!

Cardio has always been an issue for me but I think I am starting to like it. I am alternating treadmill for 35 minutes and HIIT on the elliptical. Seems to be working since I am down another couple pounds.

So I normally don't mention politics but I have to...I watched the debate this week and was appalled. This election is a circus and I am disappointed to be an American. For once I would love to have a politician tell us the plan they have to make our lives better and our country stronger. But that will never happen. These wonder people just spout off talking points and then let the drooling heads on TV and radio elaborate for them. The worst part of that is most people buy into it and never educate themselves on the truth! Let me present an example...
A former coworker called Obama a socialist, communist, and fascist. I politely asked him to tell me the differences between those three titles he bestowed on Obama. He had no clue. Now the educated readers or at least the ones that can type Wikipedia into Google can figure that out. I was amazed at the lack of basic   fundamental history and government knowledge. But let me express my real anger at the fact that Paul Ryan dismissed the Supreme Court in the debate when the abortion issue was brought up. In essence he said the decisions of the SCOTUS  do not matter. Appalling to think this man could be VP and throw aside the basic foundation of our government, if you don't know it is called Checks and Balances. Anyway...don't send me hate mail about politics, I refuse to argue about it. This was just my observation and opinion.

And finally let me talk about grip... I have always wanted to close the #3 COC and be ranked among the top grip guys on the planet. So with inspiration from a friend who will make an attempt to close the #3 and #4 on the same day. I have decided to add COC training on shoulder day, as a second workout. Warmed up with the trainer, then sets of 5,3,1 with the #1. Moved on to the #2. This was tough and I had only enough to get it closed quarter of the way. Then I forced closed the #2 and did negative holds, 10 count each hand two times. Finally I repped out the trainer for 25 reps each hand. Typing this was a bitch! A lot of work ahead of me...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Leg Day

Let's face it leg days is a love hate thing for most of us. Lately I have hated it so much I have avoided it like Mitt Romney paying taxes. But who wants to be this guy?

So I did legs... Took a lot to get my ass in the gym. Tried watching WSM finals, that only made it worse. Then I listened to some music and videos I saved on youtube just for bad I fell asleep during a HellYeah song.  When I woke up I said "Eff it" and made my way to the gym.

Started with biceps...Seated barbell curls and cable curls. I like the seated barbell curls because they take out the forearms and stress that brings to the elbows. Cable curls are my favorite because I can keep the biceps under constant tension.

Then the fun began! Calves first, standing raises with stretches at the bottom. And the moment I dreaded heavy leg work on the squat machine. Before you all go beating me up cuz I am not squatting, my shoulder has made it difficult to get my hands on the bar. Hoping all the prehab/ rehab work help fix that. I did 540 for 8 then 15 rest paused reps. Breakfast almost came up after that. I ended my leg training with Romanian Deadlifts, 315 for 8 and 13 rest paused reps.

Since I rode twice for 30 minutes yesterday I decided to forget cardio today.

Not the greatest of training days but I will take it.