not much going on this week. turned down for another job, for one of the stupidest reasons ever...i have no car. wow....just wow...we judge by what they have not what is in the heart. pathetic...
supposed to head to a local bodybuilding show saturday and then train stones sunday. less than 2 months till lakeland. feeling excited about that.
so i skipped legs this week but hit back today.
good mornings 405x2 5 sets....these always get looks in the gym.
machine shrugs 540x10 5 sets
1 arm rope rows 60,80,100,120,140x8 drops 110,80,50x10 20x15
wide grip pulldowns 120x10 6 sets
face pulls 50x15 7 sets
tried to do cardio but my body has hit the wall. figure i could rest up and save it for sunday.
welcome all to the church of iron....all are welcome but please respect the iron. it does not forgive....
i am amazed how busy the gym is on a sunday. just as many cars there as at the church in the same strip mall.
speaking of religion...i feel sorry for those fools that bought into the whole end of the world schtick. what a sad pathetic life they must lead. and i guess they really do not read their bibles. maybe someone should sue this clown for the money they lost or at least the IRS could investigate him for shits and giggles. i also read a facebook post where someone said that we should make fun of Jesus, cuz he don't find this funny. what i think is that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are laughing their asses off right now. amazed at how we simpleminded humans continually buy into this garbage fed to us by nutjobs. ah well off my soapbox for now....
training today...
z press on smith machine 205x5 3 sets drops...185x3, 155x4, 135x5, 95x10
wide grip upright rows on smith 185x8 6 sets
dumbbell raises 15x20 6 sets
reverse grip press on smith 205x5 6 sets
pushdowns 30x20 6 sets
elliptical 20 minutes level 4 HIIT
up over 250 again. must have ben the pizza and pasta this week. yesterday my parents came out and we had Carraba's...way too much food!! time to dig in and up the cardio and drop the carbs for a few days.
what the hell is going on? the end is coming tomorrow....oh my. i better vacuum for jesus. should i make my bed too? really sad to see these people buying into this BS. Maybe Marx was right...Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. so many people a sucked in a dulled to letting a book rule their lives. they begin to believe in stories that would make the Brothers Grimm happy. if you are going to read these tales then interpret them for yourself. in other words....THINK!!!! maybe deep down inside i want these clowns to be right, then i would not have to worry about anything. we would all be sucked up by a big dyson to find 72 virgins waiting for each and everyone of us. jesus would be there making buttloads of some good wine and we could all join in the holy chorus with elvis, jim morrison, and jimi hendrix. of course the opening act is sam kinison...let's face it god has a sense of humor, ever see a platypus? ah well i will probably wake up sunday morning to this same dull existence waiting for the aliens to abduct me...
FRIENDS....a real one will buy you a pizza from a thousand miles away cuz you had someone rape your bank account. they never give up on you cuz you have bad times. they listen to you rant and rave about the most insane things, even when you ramble and forget what you were talking about. they give your number to hot bartenders. real friends will push you to be better, even if you pass them up on the way. crazy as they are they are yours. no one but you knows how much they mean, let them know too.
they may misunderstand you but that's only because they want the best for you.
WORK...this day and age it is fleeting. never lose who you are for the almighty dollar, you might wonder what just happened a little too late. do what you love, or at least do what you do well!
THIEVES....nameless faceless cowards that steal from the hardworking everyday person, you are scum. go rob the rich peoples bank accounts, mess up their greedy lives. you will be caught, you will be punished, hopefully in a country that cuts off bodyparts.
WOMEN....i don't get you at all. you are soft, warm and so loving, until that crazy side of you appears. tell us what you want and need, men are too simple to read minds. throw us a frikkin bone here! single ladies...don't make us chase you so much, especially if you like us. be bold and let us know.
ah....much better. my head is now full of air and dust bunnies.
and now for something completely different...
A MAN WITH 3 BUTTOCKS...not really just some training
zerchers 315x2 5 sets....added a little shrug at the top to pull the bar up a bit.
shrugs 405x10 6 sets
rope rows/ pulldowns 100/100x 8/8 6 sets
face pulls 50x20 5 sets
hang cleans 135 8 singles
must be the full moon or the insecurity of joblessness but i was not myself this morning. one more application and waiting....forever waiting. well i drug my butt to the gym and found one way to get rid of that miserable feeling in my head is to dealift it away.
was happy to get back to training after 2 days off. strange what that does to a person....we brutalize and beat ourselves up but go back for more. a very strange addiction, but i guess it is better than drugs, alcohol, and shoes.
wanted to see how my shoulder would hold up after the last workout. seems ice, stretching, and some aspirin is helping. a little pain and tightness, but nothing a good warm-up and stretch would not help.
z-press on smith machine 205x2 5 sets....tried 225 and 215 but they were going nowhere. guess this is due to not having any support for my back. but i like the way my shoulders feel on this.
wide grip upright rows 245x5 5 sets....felt good, but i was really doing these like a hi-pull, explosive and fast. gotta get that 275 to my chest in lakeland.
dumbell front/side raise 25x8 6 sets....ugh, these were brutal. might drop the front raise next week.
close grip press 275x2 5 sets....upping the weight next week.
through adversity there is redemption....gotta love that lyric! how many people just quit or take the easy path when the crap flies? sometimes we just have to take it and move on. readjust, realign, or just restart. well that's been my life... today was rough in the gym...
power cleans 135x4, 185, 205 easy singles 225...bout halfway up and stalled, twice. definitely have to drop and push more.
shrugs 225x10, 315x10, 405x10...straps, 495x10, 545x5, 585x5
good mornings 135x5, 225x5 315x5 3 sets....these were all murder. my right bicep near the shoulder felt like it was going to come popping off. pain was intense, good sign of an impingement. will say that as i kept going the stretch helped.
HS rows/ pulldowns 90/90x10 110/110x8/6 3 sets good stretch at the top of the pulldowns.
face pulls 100x10 8 sets
well i learned a few things today...stretching is my friend. will have to work on the bicep and shoulder more. i have neglected my rear delts and that could be the cause of the should/bicep problem. speed kills!! have to get faster on my cleans.
leg day today, but before i get into that i did do something yesterday. 20 minutes of yoga and 100 kettlebell swings. both really felt good on the shoulders. a lot of self chiro during the yoga. sounded like a bowl of rice krispies. actually left me energized the rest of the day...
so i decided to beat the heat today and head in to the gym early. man was it packed....that's ok i meandered to my corner of the gym to do legs...
reverse squats 720 5x5....surprisingly way too easy. next time more reps!
hack squats 270 7x8
standing leg curl 100x10 5 sets drops 85, 70, 55, 40, 25 10 reps each
extensions 100 10x10 again way too time it will be worse
elliptical 20 minutes, level 1, 2 mph/5 mph, 1 minute intervals
was buying a protein drink after and picked up a flyer for a bb'ing show on may 28th. right up the street from where i live. maybe i will head up there and do some coverage. anyone want to join me?
ok pity party over. time to get it on....2 months till CFL strongman. "face to face" is the theme song for me now.
means a lot on all levels, i have some issues that will only be worked out against the iron.
made a couple decisions regarding training. i will rotate my pressing, push press and seated press. i will also do close grips on the same day. deads will rotate with leg press and back day will be power cleans and zerchers, rotated with good mornings.
another thought floating through my addled brain is weight. 2 weeks ago i was 250+, today i was 245. must have been the screaming shits i had all week....going to put myself on a strict eating plan. keto with a few carbs thrown in for sanity, mostly rice. also adding cardio in the gym, something i have neglected and have paid for dearly. maybe, just maybe i will come in a lightweight master and tear it up. do this right and i won't have to cut weight the last week and i will be one happy dude.
Z press on smith machine 205 5 singles....shoulder felt iffy but i warmed up and stretched well
widegrip upright row on smith 225 5x5
dumbell front/side raise 10x15 15x15 20x10 25x8 30x6 drops...20x10 10x15 5x20....this was brutal!
close grip press 135x5 185x5 225x2 245,275,295 1 each
pushdowns w/ rope 30x20 8 sets
what a long but quick week. last friday i was in orlando helping RX cover the Europa Show of Champions.
this friday i am back to my usual of waiting an watching the email and phone. was a great weekend spent with old and new friends. lot of food and drinks and tons of fun.
Cafe Tu Tu Tango on friday was is amazing! fun way to eat, just little bits at a time. Although the fight was great and the food decent saturday's experiment at The Tilted Kilt was a failure. talk about crap service, not even the pretty servers in mini kilts could make up for it.
Sunday was exceptional and way too short. hit a pr on deads with a dudebro and then headed to EPCOT for an attempt to make it around the world. fish and chips, beer, coffee and hazelnut liquor, strange orange frozen drink, sake, swordfish and rumpleminze....sadly we only made it to germany before the park closed. we did head to raglan road to finish out the night...had the most amazing potato nachos there!
back to the "fun" of my life monday...did try a place close that had mahi tacos and a chipotle beer, yes it was spicy!! thanks to a great friend for that. the rest of the week was filled with cake...yes i devoured the strawpple cake. so much of it that i think i will be doing a keto diet for a bit. other than that i have been keeping myself from walking to the ledge.
why the ledge? i am tired of waiting to hear about jobs i have applied to. 6 months already and nothing in sight. i feel like jason and the argonauts lost at sea drifting aimlessly.