Monday, April 26, 2010

a case of the mondays...

today already seems like it will never end. maybe it is the anticiaption of moving, 5 dyas off, and restarting my life. or it could just be that it is slow and has been all weekend.

i want to get back to training. i have 2 comps coming up, causing me to really focus. but that must wait till i get settled. won't take long and i have several options for training. 2 gyms relativley close and my training partner nearby.

diet should be easy for this. just back to doing keto. training will have to be stepped up and intense. no problem there. going to have to focus on a few lifts and events i truly dislike: deadlift, farmers walk, and yoke. but those will make or break me when it comes to nationals qualification.

ah well, back to searching for the end of thre internet....

Friday, April 23, 2010

That's a Bingo!

Love that line from Inglorious Basterds....

But it was so true last night for me. Did deadlifts in the gym. Got my @$$ handed to me by some iron. Oh well, what I get for 2 weeks off and a neglected lift. What truly awakened me was the tweak i felt doing shrugs. Nothing serious, just annoying. 

But I had a revelation when I went home and listened to SuperHumanRadio The show was about shoulder injuries. Made me think about the posture I have while sitting all day at a computer...ironically I am slouching now...But the amazing thought was about the exercises I perform in the gym. I LOVE shrugs! Yet I know when I overwork this exercise. My shoulders ache and hurt. So I have to do other stuff to stretch and strengthen the muscles in and around my scapula.

Some of my favorites....wide grip pulldowns, hi cable face pulls, rear lateral raises, and the dreaded pullup.
The pullup helps with the stretch, which just feels wonderful. My "secret" though is yoga. Yes it is comedic to see a strongman doing downward facing dog, but it really helps.

Monday, April 19, 2010

shoulda, woulda, coulda

went to the europa show of champions this weekend to watch and play paparazzi.
was a fun time with friends and saw some amazing stuff. the strongman comp was outstanding!

was not happy with being a spectator. i wanted to be in there. funny i normally don't have that kind of
desire. i make a decision and i am usually happy with it. not this time. there issomething burning inside me i have never felt before. desire, drive, determination....i know i can do it and i am tired of the universe working to keep me from this. i let this oppurtunity go but not anymore.

i have a couple options for the summer...2 comps, july and august. time to commit and go for it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Too much..

Eventually your body and mind say that. last week started good in the gym. But by Saturday it was down the crapper. I did some good mornings with 495, had a great pressing session with a friend. Events were heavy, what were warmups the last time ended up being all I could manage for a real lift. Head and body were not in it.


 I have been contemplating moving and took the necessary step...I have to think of what is good for me and will help me. The lack of funds and drive to work have taken its toll. So bad that I spent most of the weekend sick. I was in this position before and know where it lead me. I do not want to go back there again.
Gas prices suck and food keeps going is time to go.