Friday, April 23, 2010

That's a Bingo!

Love that line from Inglorious Basterds....

But it was so true last night for me. Did deadlifts in the gym. Got my @$$ handed to me by some iron. Oh well, what I get for 2 weeks off and a neglected lift. What truly awakened me was the tweak i felt doing shrugs. Nothing serious, just annoying. 

But I had a revelation when I went home and listened to SuperHumanRadio The show was about shoulder injuries. Made me think about the posture I have while sitting all day at a computer...ironically I am slouching now...But the amazing thought was about the exercises I perform in the gym. I LOVE shrugs! Yet I know when I overwork this exercise. My shoulders ache and hurt. So I have to do other stuff to stretch and strengthen the muscles in and around my scapula.

Some of my favorites....wide grip pulldowns, hi cable face pulls, rear lateral raises, and the dreaded pullup.
The pullup helps with the stretch, which just feels wonderful. My "secret" though is yoga. Yes it is comedic to see a strongman doing downward facing dog, but it really helps.

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