Wednesday, May 9, 2012

what the hell just happened?

Something I said in the gym Sunday! Was a great workout until something went pop... was going to embed "Pop Goes the Weasel" by 3rd Base but I can't, anyway... Sat down and was doing machine presses hit 320 for 5 sets of 2 and was thrilled to get that. Went over to the squat machine and warmed up to my working weight of 720. On my 4th set of eight something popped! Not in my quad, lower back, groin, or knee but in my upper ab right below the rib cage. Felt like I got punched...but I finished my last set and then checked it out. Nothing bruised or lumpy just pain. So I did cardio and that sucked. A few days later it is tender but not painful, guess I could call it a strain.  Oh well rest it and adjust my training, possibly need to add more ab work and not eat as much before training.

Now lets jump into the time machine and head back to the weekend was a blast to see my friends and spend some time with them. We hung out, ate, drank, and trained. I could go into the details but we signed blood oaths not to divulge the midgets name or whereabouts of the sheep...oops I have said to much! Just kidding on that. we did have a blast hanging out at Downtown Disney and eating our way around Orlando. Let me recommend The Brickhouse on I-drive!

We trained Sunday with another friend of ours...which always makes me work harder. I was set to go for a PR push press. After watching Rich nail a 250 PR I was set to 250 felt like a ton, but for me that is a good thing. I managed to push it out. Next was 265...I nailed that easily. 285 was up next, a 10 lb PR if I could nail it...I was jacked walking up to the bar, music blaring and head focused. I went throught the lift in my mind...then I grabbed the bar. Had the bar high on my collarbones..way too high...I pressed and immediately was bending backwards. Instead of trying to readjust I dumped the bar, which was really loud. But my cussing and swearing was probably louder.

Thinking about the lift I knew what went wrong, the bar was too high. In that position I was too far back to get under the bar. BUT...the weight felt light and I know would have gone up. Oh well, next time! After this I moved on to dumbbell clean and press. Worked up to the 120's and was drained...

After that I spent the rest of my weekend hanging out. Was enjoyable to have a crazy time with my good friends...something I treasure. Thanks...

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