Wednesday, September 26, 2012

rollin' like a freight train...

Yes I was...after yesterdays headache filled evening I was ready to roll over some weights. I had help from a sample preworkout that a a dude in the gym makes.  I was a little stoked and felt great. Pump was good but not insane...might need a little more Arginine.

Shoulders and tris were on the schedule tonight. Started with Hammer shoulder press worked 250lbs 7 reps. Managed four sets, my goal is seven. Next stop was Side raises supersetted with Front raises. This was brutally insane... 5 sets 10-15 reps. Made it to the Smith Machine for widegrip upright rows, 135 7 sets 7 reps. Finished my shoulders with face pulls 120lbs 15 reps 5 sets....this train was not stopping! Triceps were the final stop 120lbs 10 reps 5 sets and one last set with 50lbs for 20 reps.

I did jump on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Have to do the nasty cardio!

Refueled with chicken and rice and ready for my last 4 days of vacation. Hope I can relax and enjoy them. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

welcome back...

Yeah I know..WTF? I can't help it the tune is catchy and allows me to get my groove on. Don't tell anyone but I was doing the dance before i went to the gym...

I took two weeks off from the gym to nurse my shoulder and catch a couple baseball games. Check my Instagram for the pics... The games were great and thanks to someone really cool and dear to me for the great seats! The shoulder has not been so kind, even with time off it hurts. Sleeping can be difficult and a chore. I toss and turn just to find the right spot and then it starts to ache... Oh well I will survive and figure this out.

Retooled the training to allow me one day for shoulders and arms, one day for chest and back, and one for legs. Going for volume on shoulder day and doing DC for the other two. I hope breaking it up this way will save my shoulder.

So back to the gym...

Did chest, back and forearms today. Hammer strength chest press and incline flyes for chest. Warming up on the press I could hear my shoulder popping. As I added weight it actually felt better. I also made sure my form was correct, rolled the shoulders down and locked the lats. The incline flyes were a new twist and something I will continue with. Went too heavy for the work set and the form got sloppy.
Back was my usual row and pulldown shrug. Did the shrug on a HS pulldown, not a good idea since you really cannot lean back and get the traps involved. I did my stretches after both and was amazed to have a pump from the stretch!
Finished the day off with wrist curls done behind the back and twist yo wrist on a pulley. 255 for the curls was intense and then I did a static hold after finishing the reps. Did a lot of reps with the TYW and got serious cramps in the forearms!
Finally I did cardio...dreaded cardio, but I need it! 30 minutes on the treadmill 5.0 incline 3.5 mph. Jammed out to some Wicked Tinkers for that...

I feared seeing what the scale was going to read but I got on it anyway. Surprised I was down to 250...
Not bad for a couple weeks off.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

seen trouble all my days...

Gotta love a great cover like that. Really sums up turd slinging through a fan moment after another.
Certainly have to say I have slung my share and lately things are not so turd covered. Maybe karma is coming around...
I had to sling some nasty wet ones today in the gym though. One bonehead ruined my groove by walking in front of me and breaking my concentration. Sad part is after I raped his, and eveyone else's ears, he actually admitted he was wrong and turned out to be a nice guy. Finished my workout, went home and here I sit typing...

I did manage to get my shoulder healed up enough to tolerate incline pressing, 300 for 7 then another 11 rest paused reps on the Hammer Strength. Did some side raises on the crossover cable, then pushdowns. After a long rest I finished with heavy pulldowns and Pulldown Shrugs, a new favorite of mine! What is a pulldown shrug you ask? Sit at a pulldown machine, grab the bar and try to squeeze your shoulder blades will feel the top, bottom and sides of your traps.

What really made me happy was my weight. I got on the scale and weighed 253 fully clothed and soaked in sweat. Seriously impressive since I have not done much in the last week except eat! Another thing to make me happy was my narcissistic measurements were the same after a 5lb drop. Unfortunately my waist has not dropped any.

That's it! Just remember your gym etiquette dear reader!