Sunday, February 12, 2012


somedays you just have to let out the demons. today was one of those....thanks to a certain person who doesn't know their stupidity and selfishness helped me through todays workout. if anyone know me they know i am very protective of two important people in my life. i would kill and die for them. i was put i a very pissed off mood after hearing about something going on in one of their lives. thanks to a good friend i was calmed down, but there was that demon lurking, it kept poking its head out and i needed to exorcise it.

the exorcism started with a bike ride in the cold, okay it was 50 but the windchill made it feel like 30. it was nice to get out and test the new bike. the ride was fast and got me to the gym. at the gym i started my first day of a sheiko is that? well check this out...
decided to go with this plan and focus on my pressing. instead of bench i am doing push press. will also work the numbers to bring up my deadlift and squat.

so the first day went like this...

push press 1x5x135, 2x4x165, 2x3x190, 5x2x205
squat 1x5x290, 2x5x350, 5x3x405
seated HS press 1x5x140, 1x5x160, 4x4x190
good mornings 5x5x225

treadmill 25 minutes --- cut this short because i was going to pee myself!

i adjusted the reps and the first 2 exercises and changed to a seated press for the second press exercise because i don't want to burn myself out or get hurt. felt pretty good after this, definitely will be sore later...

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