Thursday, October 25, 2012

plate stealing, bar bending, pr setting...


So the anger management sessions continued. Seems like the world is setting me off. Everything from work  to the douchebag parking his motorcycle in the handicap spot at the apartment. I tried to get it all out in the gym but this crap is ceaseless. I used to think a friend was nuts when she told me she would leave the gym more angry, but now I know how she felt! 

Went back in with a vengeance to exorcise this demon. What happens? I set a PR, 815 on rack pulls. Have not trained this heavy in a long time and was surprised how easily it went up. Too bad there wasn't any room left on the bar. I had more in me....The workout was fueled by a sample of Sudden Impact, normally it is a drink but the guy that makes it is trying a pill form. Wow is all I have to say...Still jacked from it. May I suggest finding some and trying a bottle out. 

The rest of the training was great. I hit chest and lats before the rack pulls. Went heavy on all of those and was thrilled with my numbers. Made it a goal to get 20 reps total and did it. I ended the workout with wrist curls, light but that was all I had after rack pulls. If my hands feel like it I will train Captains of Crush tonight.

On to other things...I was thrilled that I received a really cool gift from someone very special. She went to Coors Field took the tour and brought me home a media guide for the White Sox. It is sooooo cool. Gotta love those kind of surprises. I also got to see Argo. What a great movie and story! I recommend seeing it. 
That's all for now....gotta buckle up for Sandy!

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