Monday, September 14, 2009

a flight, a competition, and tastycakes

i flew out friday to philadelphia...delayed due to some nasty rain up that way. ah well. when we did get flying it was smooth. read a bit and reworked a story i have had for years. feeling a little creative. coming in to philly was better than any ride at disney. wind gust blew the plane every direction as we soared over the delaware river.

a great friend took me to genos for a cheesesteak and then to a surprise...a star trek exhibit at the franklin institute!! yes i am a bit of a trekkie. watched the new movie on the imax too.

we made our way to jersey and i spent the rest of the weekend with, well...someoen i really care about. lets save that for another blog....

saturday was the raiders robotix strongman competition. took 3rd in the heavies. really happy with it. the events: hummer push/sled pull, tire flip 10 in max time, tire toss, treestump carry, stone over bar. i was bummed about the stone. should have been easy but it was new and baby bottom smooth. no tacky allowed either!

now to the tastykakes...
things must be made with crack! had the peanut butter ones and chocolate cupcakes!! sweet mother of jesus!!

1 comment:

  1. for all the time I lived on the East Coast... I never got the thrill of tasty cakes... but everyone around me loved them...

    sounds like a great time was had by all.... can't wait to see Chayna's photos
