Monday, August 8, 2011

i've never swabbed a poop deck...

ah yes i will be one of those pirates. why not?!? really wanted to post some stupid sad song to express my dreary mood but i couldn't. i rediscovered this awesome song and laughed silly. something i seriously needed.
been cooped up and trapped in my apartment for a few days now. why? just feeling a bit like a hermit and taking a vacation from the gym.
the rest should help but i am bored crazy! sure hoping and wishing i will get a call from a company for work. this unemployment stuff is for the birds. disappointed the wonderful congress and president have forgotten that there are people out here that need jobs, wrong time to cut money!
maybe there is a pirate crew hiring somewhere?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they should stop making phone books and sending junk mail since no one uses either of that stuff anymore.
