Thursday, June 17, 2010


no it is not about the tv show.

somewhere in all the work, moving, lifting, and general insanity i lost something of myself. lost track of a lot of things that are coming back to bite me in the ass. i lost my sense of purpose, my dreams, my desires....
i need to rethink what the hell i am about and where i am going.

retool my training and step away from the gym. continue doing my strongman training but give my body a break. throw it some curves and sliders to force my body to change. kettlebells and more cardio...maybe the pool or a good ride on the bike.

do i need a new job? well if one paid more.... school? that would help, but will anyone give me the money for it now? one thing i have rediscovered is my desire to paint and draw. thanks to my ya!
certainly will be doing more of that. seems like there are some oppurtunities to make something of it here.

love? haha no luck there....but i keep going after it like Don Quixote.

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