Sunday, April 15, 2012

All this heavy lifting

Been lot of weight lifted and a lot of pain inflicted over the years, I hope it pays off. My week started off with a great ending to a great weekend at my parents. I had an extra day off and managed to get groceries and some extra goodies picked up. I had to get some paint for a friend's paintings I am going to do...I need to start those! Along with that I got some deliveries...aminos, t-shirt, and some peptides. Some free some not, I really love the free stuff! But from there my week went downhill! Was feeling like crap, sinuses and allergies along with some mysterious pain in my legs... Which turned out to be not such a mystery when I realized it was some nasty DOMS from chasing my dog around my parents neighborhood! Strongman and running are not compatible sports... So I took 2 days off from work to clear my head and rest my body. Refreshed I went into the gym and did this...

Push Press
145x5, 175x4, 205x3 2 sets, 235x2 5 sets

Machine Squat --- facing in
720x8 5 sets

Machine Press
270x5 5 sets, drop sets 230x3, 180x3, 140x3, 90x5

30 minutes

Wanted to do more on the squat machine but my left hammie was screaming and cramping. Also I wanted to get my weight but the scale was broke, will have to head to the grocery store which has a big one in the lobby...
I started taking Osta-RX by Ironmaglabs. Lot of potential in this product! I want to see what benefits I get in terms of strength and size. Just to be a little self serving I took measurements of my arms and legs... 17.75 and 27.5 respectively. Also looking to nail a 300lb push press...So stay tuned! 

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