Thursday, November 17, 2011

Not a good day...

Started out pretty good. No crazy calls or mean people. Was very happy about that. Day was very slow so I ended up being sent home early... Was a good reason to hit the gym.

Hi pulls 335x2 4 sets   225x7 strict rows

Here is where it went to shit...
Decided to bench but my shoulder ached pretty good. Don't need to be down because of it....

Hammer strength incline press  90x20  3 sets

Called it day and went home

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

training and a foodgasm

heard the song twice...guess  K-I-D  R-O-C-K is the singer of the day!

so i motivated my butt to the gym today. been tired lately...not a sleepy feeling but a run down lethargic feeling. would chalk it up to adrenal fatigue---whatever that is--- but i have not been stressed too much. caffeine intake is not over the top and i am not taking any kind of supps that would cause this. maybe it's old age and lack of testosterone...

anyway the gym...

wide grip pulldowns and eagle claw pullups
100x10 reps and bodyweight  3 reps  5 sets total, superset
close grip pulldowns
150x8 4 sets

hammer curls
50x8 5 sets
40x6, 30x6, 20x10, 10x25

gripper machine
180x3 3 sets

kettlebell pass through
30x15 4 sets

10 minutes HIIT

after that i hit jersey mike's subs on the way home. got a big kahuna cheesesteak and a jersey shore both 8"
devoured both of these tasty subs...want more!

Monday, November 14, 2011

scrubbing the hell outta my karma

saturday was cleaning day....physically, mentally, and spiritually. yeah i know way too deep for a guy like me but  sometimes i have to go this deep. i actually did some laundry,  ran the vacuum, bought groceries and donated to charity! saturday was a charity event for St. Judes at the gym....hope some of you donated...i did bench press. managed to get 315 but bombed on 335 twice. not bad for an old guy going against kids half my age. oh yeah i don't bench much either! talked the trainer into doing a truck pull next year. earlier in the day i left out some food for the cub scouts food drive. hope this will scrub some of that bad karma away...

felt physically like crap for the rest of the weekend....think the allergies have decided to resurface. was doped up on too much claritin to really enjoy the weekend. managed to get out of the otc drug induced funk and lift today...

oly front squats
315x1 ---worked up to that from just the bar
225x3 3sets

pull thrus
100x8 7sets

cable side bends
100x15 5sets

10 minutes HIIT --- figure i need to add in cardio

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

thrashing legs

yeah i did some nasty work today. think the worst part was the nasty cramps after doing crunches. think i neglect my abs too much...

reverse squat 270, 450, 630 8 reps  720x20

leg press 450x8 7 sets

seated calf raise 90x10 5 sets --- left calf cramping bad. think this is something to do with my leg getting smashed between stones during the summer.

crunches 3 sets 20 reps ---- then the cramps set in! that is some painful sh!!!t

so i have no lifting planned till saturday. doing the charity bench comp at the gym. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

really didn't want to...

took a lot to motivate myself today. i am somewhere between being lazy and just not caring. i am guessing this is a lack of real goal for my training. no comps anytime soon and really no lifts to push myself on. suppose i should just enjoy it and have fun.
like usual when i do not want to go i end up having a great workout so here it is, short and sweet...

rows on smith
bar 10 reps 2 sets, 135,185,225x6 275x16 rest pause reps --- think there was more in there. way too easy.
underhand row 135x20 --- just felt like i needed something more

cable curls
50x8, 70x8, 90x8 5 sets

wrist curls--alternated grip on each set
95x20 6 sets

ab pulldowns
100x10 8 sets

decided to throw in stretching this week too. feeling tight everywhere. used a med ball to roll out my legs too.  hurt like hell but i can walk normal now. thinking of adding yoga to my daily routine too...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Let 'er rip

Nothing better than having a nasty fart come out while doing heavy romanian deads....think I made a few friends last night in the gym.

Romanian deads on smith
135, 225, 315, 405 5 reps
495 8 reps

180X10 5 sets

Standing calf raises
200X20 5 sets

Hanging leg raise
25 3 sets

Good training...paying the price today.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

well hello again!

well it has been a few since i posted any blog at all. been focused on work and getting my life back in order. took a few weeks off  from lifting too. that let my shoulder heal up. just in time to get talked into doing a charity bench comp for st. judes...

love doing this kind of stuff! much better than spending my money only to get a plastic trophy. anyway click the link and donate!

so in all this i tinkered with my lift schedule. looked at what i have been doing and what i want to do and came up with something like this:

m/w/f or tu/th/sa

shoulders chest and tris
seated press or upright row or raises
incline press or decline press or close grip
rolling extension or pushdowns
one exercise for each bodypart each week fourth week will just be push press

hams quads calves

Romanian deads or reverse squat or pull thrus
front squat or hacks or press
standing raise or seated raise
same as above but deads on 4th week

back bis forearms

rows or pulldowns or good mornings
cable curls or hammer curls
wrist curls or holds or gripper
same as before but zerchers on 4th week


overhead squat, ab pulldowns, leg raise, crunch, twist, side bend, pass thru, bicycle kicks
one ab exercise per training day

will do 5 week cycle with 5th week being explosive oly lifts: split presses, cleans and snatches
sets and reps will be rest pause or volume, depends on bodypart and how i feel that day.

so here is what my first day looked like....

seated press on smith
bar, 95, 135, 155, 185 5 reps each
205 with mini bands 3 singles
205 7 reps

reverse grip inclines on smith
135, 225, 245 5 reps each
275 4reps, 3 reps

50x20 10 sets

overhead squats
bar x10 5 sets
---i felt those everywhere! neglected my legs too much got some cramping in the quads!