Tuesday, November 1, 2011

well hello again!

well it has been a few since i posted any blog at all. been focused on work and getting my life back in order. took a few weeks off  from lifting too. that let my shoulder heal up. just in time to get talked into doing a charity bench comp for st. judes...

love doing this kind of stuff! much better than spending my money only to get a plastic trophy. anyway click the link and donate!

so in all this i tinkered with my lift schedule. looked at what i have been doing and what i want to do and came up with something like this:

m/w/f or tu/th/sa

shoulders chest and tris
seated press or upright row or raises
incline press or decline press or close grip
rolling extension or pushdowns
one exercise for each bodypart each week fourth week will just be push press

hams quads calves

Romanian deads or reverse squat or pull thrus
front squat or hacks or press
standing raise or seated raise
same as above but deads on 4th week

back bis forearms

rows or pulldowns or good mornings
cable curls or hammer curls
wrist curls or holds or gripper
same as before but zerchers on 4th week


overhead squat, ab pulldowns, leg raise, crunch, twist, side bend, pass thru, bicycle kicks
one ab exercise per training day

will do 5 week cycle with 5th week being explosive oly lifts: split presses, cleans and snatches
sets and reps will be rest pause or volume, depends on bodypart and how i feel that day.

so here is what my first day looked like....

seated press on smith
bar, 95, 135, 155, 185 5 reps each
205 with mini bands 3 singles
205 7 reps

reverse grip inclines on smith
135, 225, 245 5 reps each
275 4reps, 3 reps

50x20 10 sets

overhead squats
bar x10 5 sets
---i felt those everywhere! neglected my legs too much got some cramping in the quads!

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