Monday, April 13, 2009

Cardio, Massage and Other Ramblings..

So today I did 90 minutes of cardio...not bad. Still holding at 231lbs. I 'm sick of this diet though. Tried to stomach some eggs. Tasted like rubber, even my dog wouldn't eat them! So looking forward to Giordano's Saturday night! Brings me back to the concert though. I had to eat and my choices were all non diet friendly. I opted for a hotdog and passed on pizza. Should have just had a beer...
Last week I scheduled a deep tissue massage...had to get out early to get it done. Felt great! The girl that did it worked me over good. Of course as I am heading there everyone decides they need my help....sorry no can do!
I know I am doig well this week. Last week I was dragging my butt thru everything. The little rest and relaxation has helped restore my desire and sanity. My music gets me fired up and thinking about competing is actually exciting! Strangely I am also rather at ease and relaxed.
A few more days...


  1. Even your dogs didnt want your eggs eh? Been there done that. I once dropped a chicken breast that had been boiled in distilled water on the floor- not only did it bounce (I SWEAR) but my dog sniffed it and passed.

    The crazy shit we do...:)

  2. wow that IS pretty bad if the dog won't eat it!

  3. haha yeah Magnus doesnt like eggs anyway.
