Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blue Sky

Something about that song just gets me wired...even the original version by U2...quite appropriate on this dreary day too. Would like to see some blue sky, could use it to cheer me up. This job hunting is really getting me down and affecting my attitude towards a lot of other things. Application after application sent and I just wait. Wait for an email or phone call, good or bad! What really bothers me is that a piece of paper means more to some companies than experience and ability. Guess I should just apply to McDonalds.

Anyway enough of me griping and whining....

It begins again maybe a bit early but I have set my focus on 2 competitions this year. Central Florida Strongman Championship and Masters Nationals. CFL is in July and Masters is in November...plenty of time to get ready and decide if I want to compete as a heavyweight or lightweight. I could also double down at CFL and compete as an open middle and heavy master, the weights are the same!
Well the events for both competitions are good and look like fun. The main goal I have is to finish all the events and get points. But my real goal for CFL is to press that 275lb axle! 2 years in a row it has handed me my ass. now it is my turn to beat it...
I am gearing my training for that press but also keeping the other events in mind. Going to follow a push/pull program that focuses on gym lifts that will help my events. Hoping to get in an event day every other week. Somewhere in there I will throw in conditioning work with kettlebells.
But why? Well...the last 2 weeks I have been able to see a friend win 2 bodybuilding competitions. His second coming after finding out a close family member passed away the morning he was to compete. He inspired me to step up my game even during this trying time for me.

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