Saturday, July 30, 2011

saturday rambling

couple songs from ben harper struck me hard today....good stuff from an amazing singer/songwriter.

back to crappy sleeping. woke up friday at 2 am after a strange vivid and lucid dream. weird what talking to a dead person will do to you. could not get back to sleep after that so the gym was a nogo. thought maybe saturday would be a good day to train but again i tossed and turned for hours. oh well guess i could spend this day relaxing and watching some anime.
yes i love anime. first true anime i ever watched was star blazers back when i was 7. been addicted ever since. some of the most stunning stuff comes from studio ghibli....ponyo, princess monoke, howl's moving castle. just a great way to escape from reality. is just too much to bear sometimes. will things get better? not just personally but for the whole damn world! seems to me we are all about greed and self satisfaction these days. too afraid to take the path less traveled people avoid doing and saying what is truly right just to keep from having to show their faults and weaknesses.
mine are being too frustrated with incompetent rude people and pretty exotic women. the only reason i watch Bollywood movies are for the gorgeous women in them...drool....oh yeah let me add chocolate to the list too.
speaking of i think i will head out and buy me a reeses peanut butter cup or 4.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

dreams and deadlifts

waking up today was too much for me...hate it when i have a great dream going and the alarm goes off. been taking melatonin to help me wind down and sleep. but the strange side effect are the vivid almost comical dreams.... i was riding with snoop dogg to k-mart to cut my train strongman and then we headed to mcdonald's for their new bull balls..... yes that was the dream. others included ninjas, hitmen, and midget strippers.

so i did motivate myself with some viking metal...headed out in the longboat and pillaged a small village then i hit some deadlifts.

deads 135,225 5 reps,  315x3, 405x2, 455x1, 505x1. then i went for 570 and got it to my knees. happy with that because i always struggle with the initial pull.
then i hit 455 for 2 reps  3 sets and ended with deficit pulls on a 2 inch box...did 405 for 3 singles.

bar end holds were next...225 5 seconds 5 sets each arm. then 180 for 50 seconds each arm.

wrist curls 135x10 10 sets

hammer curls....did the rack. started at 100 and ended at 20 with 10lb drops. 3-10 reps each arm.

elliptical 20 minutes HIIT

and on a vain note i have dropped 5 lbs in the last 4 days.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

some things that make you go....


so i was on a strongman forum last night about to post a question for the promoter of the comp i was competing in September....before i could type i read a post he made. changed the date a week later because of World's Strongest Man finals. flabbergasted and irate i uttered a few obscenities and curses, ok i used some of the most profane language imaginable. really is that necessary to change the date? like every strongman in the country is going to watch...hell with that i have been around long enough i really do not need to see anyone lifting anything heavy in a strongman competition. guess the promoter didn't think that some of us had plans or are arranging our lives based on the original date?
so i decided to look at master's nationals in houston...november 19th. heck i might as well i did earn my spot for that competition.

so i did legs today...

front squat 135, 185 x5, 225x3, 2245,2and 305x1 -- 305 is a nice pr for me.
romanian deads  405x2 5 sets
power squat machine facing in  720x8 5 sets
leg press 540x50 reps
elliptical 20 minutes HIIT level 5

Monday, July 25, 2011

done dirt cheap

let's get to training first...

lockouts on smith machine 135 and 185 5 reps, 205 and 225 3 reps, 245 and 275 1 rep---this one was rough to get
smith press 225 rest paused 7 reps total
dumbbell clean and press 75, 95, 110, 120 1 rep each arm---nothing says strong like pressing with one arm the weight that somebody is bench pressing with 2!!
reverse grip incline on smith 135, 185, 225 5 reps,  275x3,  315 3 singles
pushdowns 50x20 5 sets
elliptical HIIT 20 minutes ----did 6 minutes walking reverse 13 walking forward and the final minute a sprint backwards. was brutal and burning my quads. hope this helps for the sled pull.

---overall a nice start to training again. 6 weeks or so before the next comp.

gotta say i looked back and thought how i trained for my last comp. don dirt cheap says it all. i ate mostly real food. kept supplements to a minimum. got 2 abbreviated event sessions in right before the comp. most of what i did was gym training and yet i still walked away number 1. throws a wrench in the works of those people that think you ALWAYS have to train events. maybe it is just age and experience but i want to avoid events like the plague.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


i am tired and worn thin...should be feeling great after last week but i think that high has worn off. i lack the motivation to train let alone to walk out of my apartment and check the mail. i should be excited about a job prospect but it seems like it will only be more of the same...thanks but no thanks. don't get me started on my absolutely rude neighbor....ever had someone you helped grunt a hello to you or just outright turn their back so they don't have to acknowledge you? probably worst of all is the fact that i am not able to see my kids this summer...
netflix doesn't work and they want to charge me double for the same crappy service. it is hotter than satan's taint outside and worse when it rains. the democrats and republicans have forgotten that they serve the people and are playing childish games over the debt, yet there are still 10% of the nation's population out of work.
i know i have nothing to complain about, it could be worse and for some people it is. maybe i feel this way because i can't do a damn thing to help. and for the record i would like to punch a few a'holes that deserve it.
i do have some great friends and great neighbors, hell one of them asked me if i needed anything from the store. my family cares in their own weird way, which i have grown accustomed to. who else would load up your fridge with leftovers??
ok my ranting is done, thanks for reading! guess it is time to whip pout some mel brooks....

Friday, July 22, 2011


so yeah it was a sacrifice of time and effort. but when you are passionate about something isn't it worth it?
the way my body feels i don't know....the week off from training has been nice. got some stuff done around the place and even made it out to an informational session about a job. maybe just maybe my luck is turning around!

unfortunately we are only as good as the last competition. so with that i must begin training again....8 weeks till  samson's strongman  
events for open masters class...

press medley 150 yoke, 230 log, 250 axle, 125 d'bell 1 each arm
dl for reps 405
farmers for max distance 50' turns 220 each hand
yoke/sled 50' 550 yoke/300 sled
stones 240, 260, 300, 330, 350 

should be fun. but i got work to do!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


8 long, tough years of training and competing has finally paid off. last night i was able to walk away with a win...2011 Central Florida's Strongest Man Masters Heavyweight! i got my first NAS card back in 1993.
in that time i have competed against the best amateurs and even a few pros. i struggled to make it through those competitions, always at the bottom end of the list. i questioned myself constantly and so did a few other people.
why? for what? i continued because i love being a strongman, win or lose. and last night was the sweetest win...

the competition was great! as usual Scott Weech put on another great show. venue was awesome, cannot beat a  wing bar with a papa john's next to it. it poured rain when i got there which pushed the start time back a little. we even armed up in a drizzle. but the gods of iron and stone found favor on us and let us compete under dry and cool conditions.
first event was the press medley...2 logs 220 and 250 and a 275 axle. as usual the axle handed me my butt. got second there. was determined to not lose another event.  next was the yoke and farmers medley. 625 and 260 per hand, 60 feet each. smoked this event in 30!
the death medley was next! despite the cardio i have been doing this left me exhausted. 275 duck walk, 80lb barrel, 340 prowler push. i got a total of 116 feet. did not finish the prowler, i was just gassed from the awkward barrel carry. but another win!
truck drag was next....13000lb gmc truck with 5 people in the bed. 35 seconds. was surprised about this one. usually my quads are screaming but not this time. guess the elliptical paid number 3!
last was stone over bar...260 over a 51 inch bar. could have sworn the bar was higher. honestly i was already the overall winner at this point. i could have done 1 and walked away, oh no not me! my competition did 2 so to put the final nail in the coffin i banged out 3. i was spent also....back fried, legs shot, arms like jello.
made it home very late and still was excited about the win. but the reality did not sink in till i took a good look at the trophy....8 years

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

drums beating

or could it be my head pounding? i am jacked yet again for the comp on saturday. bag is almost packed and plans are set. soul food at loydhavemercy a movie possibly and hopefully a pre comp beer or 2. this should be a fun weekend ahead. my first time competing as a master and a good chance i can bring home 100 bucks. something i could use right about now...
someone has yet again got a hold of my debit card number...BASTARDS!!! lucky me i will make it over to my bank and get a new card immediately. these cockknockers tried to charge 64 cents...yes 64 cents! hope you enjoyed the denial on that. considering i barely had any money in my account. why don't you slimy fucks steal bill gates or rupert murdochs card numbers and deposit a few thousand in my account? i suppose i need to change my bill paying...will have to go offline and make my payments the old fashioned way just in case my computer has been hacked. and i suppose i will also just get cash when i go to the grocery store just in case someone is stealing numbers there.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

ouch part 2

so yesterday was supposed to be the last event day before the comp. it started well with warmups on the medley. my training partner went first since his weights were lighter. he did the duck walk easily but set it down and hopped away in pain. i thought he dropped the weight on his foot but he said he rolled his ankle...he sat down in the garage and i could see the ankle swelling up. i cleaned up and his wife let me know they were going for x-rays. he called me alter to let me know it was broke! ouch...he is out for 6-8 weeks.

my leg is still bothering me but maybe that is just from being lazy...i would like to say it is the humidity but lets face it i am being lazy. i have no desire to train or be around people right now. part of this is training and competition jitters but part is the frustration over finding a job. and it really doesn't look like it will get better any time soon. WTF mr. prez and congress?!?!?! you took care of the banks and businesses but what about the common man? where is our help?

on a bright note i am looking at finding an open mic night....yup maybe i can put some of this anger, frustration and charming wit to use. sounds like fun but i have to put all these random ramblings into a coherent piece of work. i watched several comedians last night just to catch their style, rhythm and timing. really makes you appreciate what it takes to get a great joke out there.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

leg is all good, just sore and tight. nothing a little stretching won't cure. last week of training. possibly hit events 3 times this week. more than likely 2 sessions on saturday. went to the gym and did shoulders today....

smith lockouts  205x3, 225, 245, 275
smith press  225x5, 215x5, 205x5, 185x5, 135x8 3 sets
smith rows 135x10 5 sets
reverse grip incline 315 5 singles
pushdowns 50x25 4 sets
elliptical 20 minutes

Saturday, July 2, 2011


so i got up early today to enjoy the beautiful florida sun and warmth..then i picked up some heavy shit and moved it around.

did events today...

yoke worked up to 610 for 60' followed by a 230 farmers for 60'.
most of the yokes were done without a belt, think i put it on at 510 or 560
then we moved to stone over bar...i popped the 200 easily. that's all i got done cuz i got my left calf smashed between 2 stones while playing catcher. lucky me it is just swollen, no bruising.
numbing the leg with a six pack of twisted tea.