Saturday, July 23, 2011


i am tired and worn thin...should be feeling great after last week but i think that high has worn off. i lack the motivation to train let alone to walk out of my apartment and check the mail. i should be excited about a job prospect but it seems like it will only be more of the same...thanks but no thanks. don't get me started on my absolutely rude neighbor....ever had someone you helped grunt a hello to you or just outright turn their back so they don't have to acknowledge you? probably worst of all is the fact that i am not able to see my kids this summer...
netflix doesn't work and they want to charge me double for the same crappy service. it is hotter than satan's taint outside and worse when it rains. the democrats and republicans have forgotten that they serve the people and are playing childish games over the debt, yet there are still 10% of the nation's population out of work.
i know i have nothing to complain about, it could be worse and for some people it is. maybe i feel this way because i can't do a damn thing to help. and for the record i would like to punch a few a'holes that deserve it.
i do have some great friends and great neighbors, hell one of them asked me if i needed anything from the store. my family cares in their own weird way, which i have grown accustomed to. who else would load up your fridge with leftovers??
ok my ranting is done, thanks for reading! guess it is time to whip pout some mel brooks....

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