i almost quit today. i am tired and worn thin. the last 2 competitions have taken so much out of me. my confidence shot to hell. i have questioned everything the last couple days. halfway to train...i drive an hour...i almost called my training partner to tell him i was done.
for whatever reason i drove on. turned into his subdivision and trained. i felt possesed today. something hit me and i was nailing the events. the ipod god also bestowed on me the perfect mix of songs to train to...http://www.joost.com/?playNow=135taq5#id=135taq5
i now feel like i have some confidence back....read it here...http://forums.rxmuscle.com/showthread.php?p=339611#post339611
i have also managed to stuff myself with mcdonalds. its my favorite after training cheat meal.
definitley helps with the mood.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
welcome to the worlds largest steam room....
minus nekkid hairy old men. ok unless you head to the wrong beach in miami.
99 today...without the heat index. breathing is like sucking air through one of those cocktail stirrers. it was 90 by 10 am. yesterday sucked the life out of me. there was absolutely no desire to train. so i took my mom and dad out for breakfast.
decided to head into work early cuz if i had to wait till it was hotter i was not going anywhere.
sadly enough today would be a great day at the beach, but here i sit behind a computer deleting emails.
99 today...without the heat index. breathing is like sucking air through one of those cocktail stirrers. it was 90 by 10 am. yesterday sucked the life out of me. there was absolutely no desire to train. so i took my mom and dad out for breakfast.
decided to head into work early cuz if i had to wait till it was hotter i was not going anywhere.
sadly enough today would be a great day at the beach, but here i sit behind a computer deleting emails.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
a few days...
thursday i did cardio. one hour total and threw in some tricep work.
friday i did nothing for training. i was dragging @$$. thinking the diet is kicking in.
i weighed in at 234 so i am not stressing making weight.
today was event day. with the last few days of laziness i thought i would be well rested and ready to go! NOT....was almost 90 by the time we started training, we train in a garage...i did log clean and press and stones today. my back was tight so picking anything up was misery and made me slow. maybe i shouldn't do 2 days of deadlifting? throw in the oppressive heat and humidity and today was enough to make me want to move to alaska. the chalk was paste and i was so sweaty the tacky wouldn't stick to my arms.
overall i am happy with it. tougher in training easier in the competition! also quite happy that my training partner was able to shoulder a stone.
friday i did nothing for training. i was dragging @$$. thinking the diet is kicking in.
i weighed in at 234 so i am not stressing making weight.
today was event day. with the last few days of laziness i thought i would be well rested and ready to go! NOT....was almost 90 by the time we started training, we train in a garage...i did log clean and press and stones today. my back was tight so picking anything up was misery and made me slow. maybe i shouldn't do 2 days of deadlifting? throw in the oppressive heat and humidity and today was enough to make me want to move to alaska. the chalk was paste and i was so sweaty the tacky wouldn't stick to my arms.
overall i am happy with it. tougher in training easier in the competition! also quite happy that my training partner was able to shoulder a stone.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
what you lookin at?
what is it with everyone n the gym today? staring and watching...ever see someone actually lift heavy weights? ah well i like the audience.
did 765 on my rack pulls and about blacked out. what made me happy was doing 585 with no straps! moving along...here comes the pain...good mornings with 405lbs. 5 sets 5 reps....i am still waiting for someone to correct my squat form. hehe! next a true asskicking. zercher deads from the knees with 315 for 5 brutal singles! hold on folks the show isnt over....moved onto 1 arm cable rows, 125 10 reps 8 sets.
crap was i beat. i am not happy with my sucky gym. 765 is all i can load on the bar. not a hundred in site. do i change gyms? the closest hardcore gym is 45 minutes away in the opposite direction from work. maybe i could change my schedule just to go there on sundays.
did 765 on my rack pulls and about blacked out. what made me happy was doing 585 with no straps! moving along...here comes the pain...good mornings with 405lbs. 5 sets 5 reps....i am still waiting for someone to correct my squat form. hehe! next a true asskicking. zercher deads from the knees with 315 for 5 brutal singles! hold on folks the show isnt over....moved onto 1 arm cable rows, 125 10 reps 8 sets.
crap was i beat. i am not happy with my sucky gym. 765 is all i can load on the bar. not a hundred in site. do i change gyms? the closest hardcore gym is 45 minutes away in the opposite direction from work. maybe i could change my schedule just to go there on sundays.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
press this...
decided to focus on my pressing technique for a few weeks. warmed up with hammer strength presses...270 5 sets 5 reps. moved to my most dreaded exercise..push press. worked up to 205, just focusing on dipping and pressing. feeling more confident with it.
hi-pulls came next! did 495. and i felt every rep. must be keto diet kicking in cuz i was dragging butt. walked over to the other side of the gym and worked dumbbell clean & press....went from 55-115lbs in 10lb increments! that made me feel great. hope those help with keg presses.
hi-pulls came next! did 495. and i felt every rep. must be keto diet kicking in cuz i was dragging butt. walked over to the other side of the gym and worked dumbbell clean & press....went from 55-115lbs in 10lb increments! that made me feel great. hope those help with keg presses.
Monday, June 15, 2009
i dont like mondays...

tell me why i don't like
why i don't like..
thanks bob geldoff.
cardio. it is so boring.
drudgery on the treadmill and elliptical.
have to keep reminding myself that i have 4lbs to make weight. i have found that breaking it up with some weights helps.
so today i did 30 minutes on the treadmill, abs, and 20 minutes on the elliptical.
someone said do it outside...its florida after all. well it was 90 before noon. add in the worlds largest steam room and you have heatstroke waiting to happen.
its bad enough i broke down and shaved my dog. he feels much better now.
of course i have to redo the haircut...he looks a little mangy.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
my back will hate me later
have to get my deadlift training in. what better way than the day after events!
actually it will be a good thing since the next comp is a 2 days and has 2 deadlift events...
18"max and car deadlift.
used a hammer strength machine that really is very similar to a car deadlift.
loaded that sumbeeyotch up to 540 and did 15, 10, and 5 reps. used my straps for that.
put on 50lbs more and finished with a hold for time...oh yeah another event. did it for a count of thirty. probably should get a timer. hands felt great especially after yesterdays farmers walk.
jumped over to the crossover and did pull thrus...wonderful for the glutes and hams. 165 x 10 for 8 sets. finished my hams with one nasty set of seated leg curls...100x30! and that was harder than i thought.
i weighed 235...not bad considering last night i ate 4 mcdonalds cheeseburgers.
actually it will be a good thing since the next comp is a 2 days and has 2 deadlift events...
18"max and car deadlift.
used a hammer strength machine that really is very similar to a car deadlift.
loaded that sumbeeyotch up to 540 and did 15, 10, and 5 reps. used my straps for that.
put on 50lbs more and finished with a hold for time...oh yeah another event. did it for a count of thirty. probably should get a timer. hands felt great especially after yesterdays farmers walk.
jumped over to the crossover and did pull thrus...wonderful for the glutes and hams. 165 x 10 for 8 sets. finished my hams with one nasty set of seated leg curls...100x30! and that was harder than i thought.
i weighed 235...not bad considering last night i ate 4 mcdonalds cheeseburgers.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
beer here!

it was a extremely humid and hot day...mid 90's
keg press
messed with the empty one for the technique. attempted to fill it with water...my training partner ended up taking a bath in 2 year old stale beer...haha. we smelled like sunday morning in a frat house.
filled with water 1/3...so about 60 lbs...pressed
tried the 175...um..no way. such a big difference from a log.
we emptied 45lbs of sand out. much easier and we were able to press 130 for reps.
it is an interesting technique to clean and press a keg.
farmers walk
190...30' felt like a ton!
245...85' with a turn at 80'
245...75'....grip held like crazy!!
actually had to uncurl my fingers.
sled...its a tire on asphalt
---winded but was on my toes and felt my quads the whole way.
we needed to practice shouldering the stone. first box is 66"
200 shouldered twice and i was done.
Friday, June 12, 2009
here i go again...
started keto...hit the gym this morning to do cardio. i was up in the air about what else i wanted to do. jumped on the treadmill like a deranged ape and walked for 30 minutes. decided to do quads...hit the squat machine and did 90,180,270,360, 450 all for 10 reps. crawled back to the treadmill and walked for 30 minutes more. i had to decrease the intensity a little...grrr.
started the workout at 239, ended at 237!
hopefully i can hit 225 and maintain it for september. i want to feel comfortable at that weight. something i wasnt back in april.
event training tomorrow..and its gonna be a scorcher, mid 90's!
started the workout at 239, ended at 237!
hopefully i can hit 225 and maintain it for september. i want to feel comfortable at that weight. something i wasnt back in april.
event training tomorrow..and its gonna be a scorcher, mid 90's!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
back to it

starting keto again...yay. nothing better in the world than stuffing myself full of protein.
saturday i start event training. looking to improve my farmers walk and pressing. also have to work on shouldering an atlas stone. after that i will take 6 weeks to train the contest events.
really looking forward to this one.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
ahhhhh its over
till saturday.
competed on the 6th. central florida strongman in lakeland florida.
was a great day, not too hot and the rain stayed away even though we had a few rumbles.
great venue downtown and a great sponsor...the chop shop oh man let me tell you the burger i had after the comp was amazing!! half pound with blue cheese and onion rings on it....
scott weech put on a good show. we had a press medley, yoke, farmers walk, tire flip/sled drag, and atlas stones. i came in needing this to build my confidence. what happened at the europa beat me down. i did well, for me that is. my right hand gave out on the farmers and the yoke was set too low, i should have had the bar one hole up. made the thing wobble all over. the press medley made me happy...i got both logs with ease. i attempted the axle but nearly fell on my but from the pull. i know if ia could have cleaned it it would have gone up easily. the flip and drag surprised me, but i gassed at the end and was short of the finish. stones....agggh. i know i could have gotten the third one but it was filthy and the tacky would not stick. tried twice before calling it a day.
really happy with it...just for personal reasons.
competed on the 6th. central florida strongman in lakeland florida.
was a great day, not too hot and the rain stayed away even though we had a few rumbles.
great venue downtown and a great sponsor...the chop shop oh man let me tell you the burger i had after the comp was amazing!! half pound with blue cheese and onion rings on it....
scott weech put on a good show. we had a press medley, yoke, farmers walk, tire flip/sled drag, and atlas stones. i came in needing this to build my confidence. what happened at the europa beat me down. i did well, for me that is. my right hand gave out on the farmers and the yoke was set too low, i should have had the bar one hole up. made the thing wobble all over. the press medley made me happy...i got both logs with ease. i attempted the axle but nearly fell on my but from the pull. i know if ia could have cleaned it it would have gone up easily. the flip and drag surprised me, but i gassed at the end and was short of the finish. stones....agggh. i know i could have gotten the third one but it was filthy and the tacky would not stick. tried twice before calling it a day.
really happy with it...just for personal reasons.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
its really about nothing

i wanted to find something wonderful or meaningful to ramble on about today...
i got nuthin.
3 days till i compete and a ton of stuff to take care of. dog needs a bath, apartment needs cleaning,
need to pay for my plates, and i need to run to my other job and
re-register on the internet. damn if i didnt forget my password and get locked out.
i think yesterday was worldwide have-a-bad-day day...everyone i talked to had something go wrong. weirdness abounds! for me the night just wandered aimlessly with no end in sight.
when it finally was over i felt more exhausted than the busiest night i could imagine.
today looked hopeful...the nonevent horizon was crystal clear. though boredom overwhelms me, it is the welcome kind that lets me just be me...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
is it over yet?

235 today and more cardio in the books. did one hour today. planned on more but my first run ended abruptly. the normal tradmills were all occupied so i decided to use the treadclimber...big mistake. thing was awkward to use and 30 minutes in it just lost all resistance. the treads were flopping up and down like fish out of water. cut that short and did some back work.
that was good! found a new movement that hits the lats well...did i just type that? sounding like a bodybuilder...used a rope handle on the pulldown.
went for my next bit of cardio and was happy to be able to use the real treadmill.
its not just me. came into work and everyone was having a weird day. i mean everyone!! a full moon is coming...right on saturday too. good omen? hope so cuz maybe i will win.
that was good! found a new movement that hits the lats well...did i just type that? sounding like a bodybuilder...used a rope handle on the pulldown.
went for my next bit of cardio and was happy to be able to use the real treadmill.
its not just me. came into work and everyone was having a weird day. i mean everyone!! a full moon is coming...right on saturday too. good omen? hope so cuz maybe i will win.
Monday, June 1, 2009
one more today
90 minutes on the treadmill. i broke it up in 30 minute increments. i worked forearms inbetween. was nice when i got to the gym early...no one was there. but halfway through it became packed! good thing i am not training full tilt this week or i would have gone nuts!
some events have changed for saturday. 60' on the farmers walk, was 80. yoke is 80'...uggh.
only 4 guys in my class. so now i further question my need to cut 6lbs. yes i would like to qualify as a lightweight but what will i lose by trying it in 5 days? i cant make early weigh ins cuz i have to work...certainly i do not want to be dehydrated and not fed 2 hours before the comp.
i have september in mind and if i hold at 237, the drop will be easy for then. i should also feel comfortable at a lower weight. so i will shoot for labor day weekend to be a true lightweight.
i just look forward to having fun competing and not stressing.
some events have changed for saturday. 60' on the farmers walk, was 80. yoke is 80'...uggh.
only 4 guys in my class. so now i further question my need to cut 6lbs. yes i would like to qualify as a lightweight but what will i lose by trying it in 5 days? i cant make early weigh ins cuz i have to work...certainly i do not want to be dehydrated and not fed 2 hours before the comp.
i have september in mind and if i hold at 237, the drop will be easy for then. i should also feel comfortable at a lower weight. so i will shoot for labor day weekend to be a true lightweight.
i just look forward to having fun competing and not stressing.
why am i doing cardio??
dont need to worry about making weight. i would like to be 231 or under to qualify for nationals as a lightweight, but why? i have 6lbs to lose. most of that is water....only problem....dont think i will make early weigh ins. so i if i do i will be dehydrated saturday morning. good for me the comp starts at noon. its possible but i am not worried. just going to have fun!
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