Monday, May 11, 2009

a few days off

well from posting here anyway.
worked and trained events saturday. it was steamy...had to be 90 by 10am. my back was still not happy with anything i did saturday.

sunday i did cardio...hooray my favorite stuff. did delts too. weighed in at 232! had dinner with my mom, dad, sister, and niece. i was stuffed and passed out. so freaking hot sunday i sat my butt inside and watched some ufc. bored enough i went to bed at 8 and got in 12 hours of sound sleep.

today...legs! felt good and my back did not bother me. threw in some cardio just for the heckuva it. feeling pretty darn good too. checking out some competitions for later in the year....ft. myers and south carolina....interesting

1 comment:

  1. WOW you are rocking it with the weight Rob! EXCELLENT my friend, excellent... I'm ready for some hot and sticky weather myself...
