Started out pretty good. No crazy calls or mean people. Was very happy about that. Day was very slow so I ended up being sent home early... Was a good reason to hit the gym.
Hi pulls 335x2 4 sets 225x7 strict rows
Here is where it went to shit...
Decided to bench but my shoulder ached pretty good. Don't need to be down because of it....
heard the song twice...guess K-I-D R-O-C-K is the singer of the day!
so i motivated my butt to the gym today. been tired lately...not a sleepy feeling but a run down lethargic feeling. would chalk it up to adrenal fatigue---whatever that is--- but i have not been stressed too much. caffeine intake is not over the top and i am not taking any kind of supps that would cause this. maybe it's old age and lack of testosterone...
anyway the gym...
wide grip pulldowns and eagle claw pullups
100x10 reps and bodyweight 3 reps 5 sets total, superset
close grip pulldowns
150x8 4 sets
hammer curls
50x8 5 sets
40x6, 30x6, 20x10, 10x25
gripper machine
180x3 3 sets
kettlebell pass through
30x15 4 sets
10 minutes HIIT
after that i hit jersey mike's subs on the way home. got a big kahuna cheesesteak and a jersey shore both 8"
devoured both of these tasty subs...want more!
saturday was cleaning day....physically, mentally, and spiritually. yeah i know way too deep for a guy like me but sometimes i have to go this deep. i actually did some laundry, ran the vacuum, bought groceries and donated to charity! saturday was a charity event for St. Judes at the gym....hope some of you donated...i did bench press. managed to get 315 but bombed on 335 twice. not bad for an old guy going against kids half my age. oh yeah i don't bench much either! talked the trainer into doing a truck pull next year. earlier in the day i left out some food for the cub scouts food drive. hope this will scrub some of that bad karma away...
felt physically like crap for the rest of the weekend....think the allergies have decided to resurface. was doped up on too much claritin to really enjoy the weekend. managed to get out of the otc drug induced funk and lift today...
oly front squats
315x1 ---worked up to that from just the bar
225x3 3sets
pull thrus
100x8 7sets
cable side bends
100x15 5sets
10 minutes HIIT --- figure i need to add in cardio
took a lot to motivate myself today. i am somewhere between being lazy and just not caring. i am guessing this is a lack of real goal for my training. no comps anytime soon and really no lifts to push myself on. suppose i should just enjoy it and have fun.
like usual when i do not want to go i end up having a great workout so here it is, short and sweet...
rows on smith
bar 10 reps 2 sets, 135,185,225x6 275x16 rest pause reps --- think there was more in there. way too easy.
underhand row 135x20 --- just felt like i needed something more
cable curls
50x8, 70x8, 90x8 5 sets
wrist curls--alternated grip on each set
95x20 6 sets
ab pulldowns
100x10 8 sets
decided to throw in stretching this week too. feeling tight everywhere. used a med ball to roll out my legs too. hurt like hell but i can walk normal now. thinking of adding yoga to my daily routine too...
love doing this kind of stuff! much better than spending my money only to get a plastic trophy. anyway click the link and donate!
so in all this i tinkered with my lift schedule. looked at what i have been doing and what i want to do and came up with something like this:
m/w/f or tu/th/sa
shoulders chest and tris
seated press or upright row or raises
incline press or decline press or close grip
rolling extension or pushdowns
one exercise for each bodypart each week fourth week will just be push press
hams quads calves
Romanian deads or reverse squat or pull thrus
front squat or hacks or press
standing raise or seated raise
same as above but deads on 4th week
back bis forearms
rows or pulldowns or good mornings
cable curls or hammer curls
wrist curls or holds or gripper
same as before but zerchers on 4th week
overhead squat, ab pulldowns, leg raise, crunch, twist, side bend, pass thru, bicycle kicks
one ab exercise per training day
will do 5 week cycle with 5th week being explosive oly lifts: split presses, cleans and snatches
sets and reps will be rest pause or volume, depends on bodypart and how i feel that day.
so here is what my first day looked like....
seated press on smith
bar, 95, 135, 155, 185 5 reps each
205 with mini bands 3 singles
205 7 reps
reverse grip inclines on smith
135, 225, 245 5 reps each
275 4reps, 3 reps
50x20 10 sets
overhead squats
bar x10 5 sets
---i felt those everywhere! neglected my legs too much got some cramping in the quads!
That's it. Trying to get used to my new schedule. Going to use my days off from work as heavy gym days. Will have to hit the gym 1-2 more days but keep it easy and light. Looking like I will be going when the gym opens at 5 am....
i have to rant a lil bit today. over the last nine months i have heard how lazy the unemployed are, how the people on welfare are drug using parasites, how THESE people ruin our country.
well it hurts! i was unemployed and taking food stamps....and by far i am not lazy or a parasite. now i know that these statements were not directed at me personally and they are opinions. but what is amazing is that THOSE people never take into account that most of US people do not want to be where we are. the opinions run amok but no one offers a cure to this ailing system. that is why it is abused because it is broken.
no one including the elected officials have done a thing to fix our economy...well other than bail out the crooks that destroyed it with their greed. what happened to helping the common man. those of us that bust our asses daily to provide a decent life and opportunity for our families.
now what really gets me are these wonderful people in our country called christians, not all but the mouth breathing mindless sheep that only listen to what men tell them....didn't jesus talk about charity and compassion? didn't he say to feed the hungry and clothe the naked? oh but what some people like to do is pick and choose the verses and say that it is the WILLING that deserve it....hmmmm strange that is a reference to those in the church who would benefit from the church. that does not include the masses that live outside the church. that makes charity conditional, but i am pretty sure Jesus' love, charity, compassion and forgiveness are unconditional.
so if you feel insulted by this, please take a good look in the mirror....oh and go out and help a homeless person. donate some clothes to a shelter. do something charitable....never know when it could be you.
if you know the rest of that line then you know the movie!
the song popped up on my ipod while swinging the kettlebell today. was good rhythm for it. but before i get to my training a lil about what's been going on... sleep has been great, so great that i don't want to wake up somedays. ever have that know the one where things are bright and beautiful, the world is yours, you have everything including your dream girl? yep...been having those a lot lately. maybe it is a good omen?
hope so....
what else? work has been going well. training almost done. i can handle the systems we use but i am nervous about answering the calls. that can be a good thing though. again i have been blessed to find a few good of my coworkers lives down the block and offered to dive me a ride this week. saves bus fare and a bike ride home.
something i have learned over the past few months is that there are good people out there. they will do stuff for you and ask for nothing in return. now if more of us could be that way...
kettlebell swings 3x20
cleans 2x5 each arm
bent press 2x5 each arm
something like this....
hammer swings 3x5 each arm
leveraging 4x5 each arm
----i did a different swing and lever with each set. hammer was 7.5lbs
med ball o'head squat 20
sit up and reach 10
turkish get up 5 each side
long time ago in this freaking galaxy but a few miles away...there was a kettlebell. not your average kettlebell. this thing was not pink or rubber coated, no dear reader it was iron and deadly. it called to me...pleaded to be used like it was meant. little did i know it was going to take over and remind me i am human.
swings 3x10
front squat 20
2 hand snatch 10
bent press 5 each arm
pullover and press 10
overhead squat 10
pass thru leg 15
2 hand swing 60 seconds
all done with 16 kilo kettlebell
why? well in reality i ran out of $$ for my gym membership. yup unemployment is overrated, so to all you people that think i am sponging off the government or plain lazy...UP YOURS!!! i barely have enough to survive. thankfully i am now employed. just have to get past the first couple weeks and get paid.
also plan to change gyms....there is one a block from work and they have a discount for my company.
got up early to hit the gym. gotta do it because new job starting this afternoon...feels good to say that....
did shoulders and tris...uggh it was tough considering i took 2 weeks off from the gym. but it is good to feel this kind of pain.
smith press 225x2 5 sets
upright rows 205x6 6 sets
dumbbell raise 30x10 5 sets drops 25, 20, 15, 10 10 reps each
incline reverse grip press 315 5 singles
rotating extensions 30x6 3 sets 20x6 2 sets---these were rough! found my left tricep is seriously weak!
1 arm pushdowns 25x10 5 sets
pushdowns 50x50
adjusted my training to cover all the bases now. with the new job i will not be going to nationals, have to work weekends. so i figured i would just lift!
finally i will be employed....right now it is just a seasonal job, but i know i can make it more than that. i am just that damn good. found out earlier today. i wasn't too thrilled, starts off at 20 hours a week! the thing is it will get busy because of the holiday season. i also plan on looking for a part-time job to supplement this. lord knows any extra cash will help.
i did freak out over the hours but a dear friend helped me off the ledge and told me this is what i need to do. bear with it and ride it out. so i will take the advice and go for it. bummer though is that the schedule i have will not allow me to compete at masters nationals. oh well, always next year for that!
rain rain go away....was up early and ready for lifting when it decided to pour! waited the small storm out and got to the gym. of course while it was there i poured rain the entire time. so i paced myself and did my lifts.
cleans 135, 185---from hang 185, 205, 225---full clean
front squat 185, 205, 225, 245----deep on all reps
split press 135x2, 155x2, 175
elliptical 30 minutes HIIT
pretty easy day but i was not motivated. must have been the crap 80's pop they play in the gym.
well it is an off day from the gym. i am sore as can be right now, head to toe. one thing that doesn't hurt anymore is my pinky...popped that sucker back on shrugs yesterday. a friend asked me to motivate him. hope i helped. that of course got me thinking....
one of the best damn speeches ever! very true in the words. this is not some BS pie in the sky thing. life does punch hard. but the choice is yours. can you walk into a punch knowing full well you are going to hurt because of it?
got a dream or goal? those often motivate us and give us meaning in our life. the goal gets us through the worst times. people might put you down for it or tell you that you can't do it. will you listen to them?
and when all else fails get yourself a DI! let someone get in yer face and tell you a thing or two. ok maybe it isn't something that harsh but it could be something to get your blood flowing. a song or a quote whatever works. now show em your warface!
felt like i headed downstairs to visit satan's lair for training today. back is just awful for training. i never feel anything unless it is HEAVY! and when you train like i do in the gym i do then you tend to get looks. know what i think of the looks? i don't give a crap, keep watching cuz i get stronger and you just get that much weaker and worthless.
good mornings 495 5 singles---got the last one deep.
amazing what a gallon of water will do. i dropped 3lbs since yesterday. i definitely feel less bloated. weight is not an issue for nationals. i qualified as a heavy so i must compete as one. will be fun though to come in as a tiny heavyweight and kick some big asses.
so a week or so off did me well. my mind was not feeling up to the task of training. throw in oppressive heat and daily showers and....i was less than motivated to go anywhere. got my rear out the door and in the gym.
changed up the routine too. normally i do shoulders and tris together. now i am doing one week tris and one week shoulders for my monday workout....yes that's right i am joining universal bench day in the gym.
reverse grip incline on smith machine 315x2 5 sets
rolling tricep extension 40x5 5 sets----these were rougher than i expected. shows a weak spot in my tris too.
and here is what the exercise looks like....
pushdowns 40x15 7 sets
back to the smith for more reverse grip inclines 135x 50 reps---rest paused
raisin' hell on a saturday night...november 19th to be exact. NAS Masters Nationals in Houston!
wa not sure if i wanted to go or was able...but friend convinced me i should and also is helping me to make this happen. i know it is a few month away but i have to train now! since i qualified for it as a heavyweight i will have to compete there as one.
here are the events....
Push/Pull Medley
-60 second time limit
-1 rep with each implement (splits will be taken)
-Must go in this order (C&P Axle, Standard DL, C&P Log, Car DL)
Masters LW (40+, 50+, 60+): 180 Axle, 365 Standard DL, 220 Log, Car DL (light setting approx. 400-500 lbs)
Masters HW (40+, 50+, 60+): 217 Axle, 405 Standard DL, 250 Log, Car DL (Middle Setting approx. 550-650 lbs)
Truck Pull (Type TBD – Practice Heavy!)
-Rope Assist
-60 second time limit
-50 Feet
-Flat ground
Keg Toss
-45 second time limit
-5 mini-kegs, Keg weights (for all classes) – 25, 30, 35, 35, 40
Bar Height (approx)
Old Man Strength Medley
-60 second time limit
-40 ft. Yoke / 20 ft. Stone Carry/ 20 ft. Farmers
-Distance recorded as long as Yoke portion is completed
Atlas Stones
-5-stone Series (weights/heights determined by current record criteria as of contest date)
-60 second time limit
-Splits take
onlyevent that bothers me is the medley. the 350lb texas stone will be interesting to pick up and carry. other than that i can handle the events. will be fun to go up against some bigger dudes. my goal is to come home with a belt buckle....
ah yes i will be one of those pirates. why not?!? really wanted to post some stupid sad song to express my dreary mood but i couldn't. i rediscovered this awesome song and laughed silly. something i seriously needed.
been cooped up and trapped in my apartment for a few days now. why? just feeling a bit like a hermit and taking a vacation from the gym.
the rest should help but i am bored crazy! sure hoping and wishing i will get a call from a company for work. this unemployment stuff is for the birds. disappointed the wonderful congress and president have forgotten that there are people out here that need jobs, wrong time to cut money!
maybe there is a pirate crew hiring somewhere?
so i did not feel like going to the gym today. as a matter of fact i have not felt like lifting a thing since last week. but the addiction came back and my drug problem resurfaced....i drug my lazy ass back to the gym. compensating for the missed week and possible weekend full of TS Emily i decided it would be cool to push press and front squat.
push press and front squats 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 235x1, 255x1, 275x1---this was a nice PR. heavy in the hands but went up nicely!
romanian deads 315x5 5 sets
hi-pulls 315x3 4 sets, 225x5, 135x15
face pulls 50x15 5 sets
decided not to do cardio. it was getting ugly outside and i wanted to beat the storm home. but i didn't! should have stayed...haha!
and a little note to the naysayer about my pressing workout....guess using a smith machine does carryover to push press.
couple songs from ben harper struck me hard today....good stuff from an amazing singer/songwriter.
back to crappy sleeping. woke up friday at 2 am after a strange vivid and lucid dream. weird what talking to a dead person will do to you. could not get back to sleep after that so the gym was a nogo. thought maybe saturday would be a good day to train but again i tossed and turned for hours. oh well guess i could spend this day relaxing and watching some anime.
yes i love anime. first true anime i ever watched was star blazers back when i was 7. been addicted ever since. some of the most stunning stuff comes from studio ghibli....ponyo, princess monoke, howl's moving castle. just a great way to escape from reality. is just too much to bear sometimes. will things get better? not just personally but for the whole damn world! seems to me we are all about greed and self satisfaction these days. too afraid to take the path less traveled people avoid doing and saying what is truly right just to keep from having to show their faults and weaknesses.
mine are being too frustrated with incompetent rude people and pretty exotic women. the only reason i watch Bollywood movies are for the gorgeous women in them...drool....oh yeah let me add chocolate to the list too.
speaking of i think i will head out and buy me a reeses peanut butter cup or 4.
waking up today was too much for me...hate it when i have a great dream going and the alarm goes off. been taking melatonin to help me wind down and sleep. but the strange side effect are the vivid almost comical dreams.... i was riding with snoop dogg to k-mart to cut my train strongman and then we headed to mcdonald's for their new bull balls..... yes that was the dream. others included ninjas, hitmen, and midget strippers.
so i did motivate myself with some viking metal...headed out in the longboat and pillaged a small village then i hit some deadlifts.
deads 135,225 5 reps, 315x3, 405x2, 455x1, 505x1. then i went for 570 and got it to my knees. happy with that because i always struggle with the initial pull.
then i hit 455 for 2 reps 3 sets and ended with deficit pulls on a 2 inch box...did 405 for 3 singles.
bar end holds were next...225 5 seconds 5 sets each arm. then 180 for 50 seconds each arm.
wrist curls 135x10 10 sets
hammer curls....did the rack. started at 100 and ended at 20 with 10lb drops. 3-10 reps each arm.
elliptical 20 minutes HIIT
and on a vain note i have dropped 5 lbs in the last 4 days.
so i was on a strongman forum last night about to post a question for the promoter of the comp i was competing in September....before i could type i read a post he made. changed the date a week later because of World's Strongest Man finals. flabbergasted and irate i uttered a few obscenities and curses, ok i used some of the most profane language imaginable. really is that necessary to change the date? like every strongman in the country is going to watch...hell with that i have been around long enough i really do not need to see anyone lifting anything heavy in a strongman competition. guess the promoter didn't think that some of us had plans or are arranging our lives based on the original date?
so i decided to look at master's nationals in houston...november 19th. heck i might as well i did earn my spot for that competition.
so i did legs today...
front squat 135, 185 x5, 225x3, 2245,2and 305x1 -- 305 is a nice pr for me.
romanian deads 405x2 5 sets
power squat machine facing in 720x8 5 sets
leg press 540x50 reps
elliptical 20 minutes HIIT level 5
lockouts on smith machine 135 and 185 5 reps, 205 and 225 3 reps, 245 and 275 1 rep---this one was rough to get
smith press 225 rest paused 7 reps total
dumbbell clean and press 75, 95, 110, 120 1 rep each arm---nothing says strong like pressing with one arm the weight that somebody is bench pressing with 2!!
reverse grip incline on smith 135, 185, 225 5 reps, 275x3, 315 3 singles
pushdowns 50x20 5 sets
elliptical HIIT 20 minutes ----did 6 minutes walking reverse 13 walking forward and the final minute a sprint backwards. was brutal and burning my quads. hope this helps for the sled pull.
---overall a nice start to training again. 6 weeks or so before the next comp.
gotta say i looked back and thought how i trained for my last comp. don dirt cheap says it all. i ate mostly real food. kept supplements to a minimum. got 2 abbreviated event sessions in right before the comp. most of what i did was gym training and yet i still walked away number 1. throws a wrench in the works of those people that think you ALWAYS have to train events. maybe it is just age and experience but i want to avoid events like the plague.
i am tired and worn thin...should be feeling great after last week but i think that high has worn off. i lack the motivation to train let alone to walk out of my apartment and check the mail. i should be excited about a job prospect but it seems like it will only be more of the same...thanks but no thanks. don't get me started on my absolutely rude neighbor....ever had someone you helped grunt a hello to you or just outright turn their back so they don't have to acknowledge you? probably worst of all is the fact that i am not able to see my kids this summer...
netflix doesn't work and they want to charge me double for the same crappy service. it is hotter than satan's taint outside and worse when it rains. the democrats and republicans have forgotten that they serve the people and are playing childish games over the debt, yet there are still 10% of the nation's population out of work.
i know i have nothing to complain about, it could be worse and for some people it is. maybe i feel this way because i can't do a damn thing to help. and for the record i would like to punch a few a'holes that deserve it.
i do have some great friends and great neighbors, hell one of them asked me if i needed anything from the store. my family cares in their own weird way, which i have grown accustomed to. who else would load up your fridge with leftovers??
ok my ranting is done, thanks for reading! guess it is time to whip pout some mel brooks....
so yeah it was a sacrifice of time and effort. but when you are passionate about something isn't it worth it?
the way my body feels i don't know....the week off from training has been nice. got some stuff done around the place and even made it out to an informational session about a job. maybe just maybe my luck is turning around!
unfortunately we are only as good as the last competition. so with that i must begin training again....8 weeks till samson's strongman events for open masters class...
press medley 150 yoke, 230 log, 250 axle, 125 d'bell 1 each arm
dl for reps 405
farmers for max distance 50' turns 220 each hand
yoke/sled 50' 550 yoke/300 sled
stones 240, 260, 300, 330, 350
8 long, tough years of training and competing has finally paid off. last night i was able to walk away with a win...2011 Central Florida's Strongest Man Masters Heavyweight! i got my first NAS card back in 1993.
in that time i have competed against the best amateurs and even a few pros. i struggled to make it through those competitions, always at the bottom end of the list. i questioned myself constantly and so did a few other people.
why? for what? i continued because i love being a strongman, win or lose. and last night was the sweetest win...
the competition was great! as usual Scott Weech put on another great show. venue was awesome, cannot beat a wing bar with a papa john's next to it. it poured rain when i got there which pushed the start time back a little. we even armed up in a drizzle. but the gods of iron and stone found favor on us and let us compete under dry and cool conditions.
first event was the press medley...2 logs 220 and 250 and a 275 axle. as usual the axle handed me my butt. got second there. was determined to not lose another event. next was the yoke and farmers medley. 625 and 260 per hand, 60 feet each. smoked this event in 30!
the death medley was next! despite the cardio i have been doing this left me exhausted. 275 duck walk, 80lb barrel, 340 prowler push. i got a total of 116 feet. did not finish the prowler, i was just gassed from the awkward barrel carry. but another win!
truck drag was next....13000lb gmc truck with 5 people in the bed. 35 seconds. was surprised about this one. usually my quads are screaming but not this time. guess the elliptical paid number 3!
last was stone over bar...260 over a 51 inch bar. could have sworn the bar was higher. honestly i was already the overall winner at this point. i could have done 1 and walked away, oh no not me! my competition did 2 so to put the final nail in the coffin i banged out 3. i was spent also....back fried, legs shot, arms like jello.
made it home very late and still was excited about the win. but the reality did not sink in till i took a good look at the trophy....8 years
or could it be my head pounding? i am jacked yet again for the comp on saturday. bag is almost packed and plans are set. soul food at loydhavemercy a movie possibly and hopefully a pre comp beer or 2. this should be a fun weekend ahead. my first time competing as a master and a good chance i can bring home 100 bucks. something i could use right about now...
someone has yet again got a hold of my debit card number...BASTARDS!!! lucky me i will make it over to my bank and get a new card immediately. these cockknockers tried to charge 64 cents...yes 64 cents! hope you enjoyed the denial on that. considering i barely had any money in my account. why don't you slimy fucks steal bill gates or rupert murdochs card numbers and deposit a few thousand in my account? i suppose i need to change my bill paying...will have to go offline and make my payments the old fashioned way just in case my computer has been hacked. and i suppose i will also just get cash when i go to the grocery store just in case someone is stealing numbers there.
so yesterday was supposed to be the last event day before the comp. it started well with warmups on the medley. my training partner went first since his weights were lighter. he did the duck walk easily but set it down and hopped away in pain. i thought he dropped the weight on his foot but he said he rolled his ankle...he sat down in the garage and i could see the ankle swelling up. i cleaned up and his wife let me know they were going for x-rays. he called me alter to let me know it was broke! ouch...he is out for 6-8 weeks.
my leg is still bothering me but maybe that is just from being lazy...i would like to say it is the humidity but lets face it i am being lazy. i have no desire to train or be around people right now. part of this is training and competition jitters but part is the frustration over finding a job. and it really doesn't look like it will get better any time soon. WTF mr. prez and congress?!?!?! you took care of the banks and businesses but what about the common man? where is our help?
on a bright note i am looking at finding an open mic night....yup maybe i can put some of this anger, frustration and charming wit to use. sounds like fun but i have to put all these random ramblings into a coherent piece of work. i watched several comedians last night just to catch their style, rhythm and timing. really makes you appreciate what it takes to get a great joke out there.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
leg is all good, just sore and tight. nothing a little stretching won't cure. last week of training. possibly hit events 3 times this week. more than likely 2 sessions on saturday. went to the gym and did shoulders today....
so i got up early today to enjoy the beautiful florida sun and warmth..then i picked up some heavy shit and moved it around.
did events today...
yoke worked up to 610 for 60' followed by a 230 farmers for 60'.
most of the yokes were done without a belt, think i put it on at 510 or 560
then we moved to stone over bar...i popped the 200 easily. that's all i got done cuz i got my left calf smashed between 2 stones while playing catcher. lucky me it is just swollen, no bruising.
numbing the leg with a six pack of twisted tea.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
after a week off i thought the rest would help...i was wrong
i should go to the gym the same time i did today....was dead in there. gives me free run of the entire place.
wasn't feeling up to it but i drug myself there. normally i end up with a good workout but today was terrible.
feel run down and beat to hell. debating whether to go tomorrow or not.
good mornings 405x5 think i did 5 sets
smith rows 315x5 3 sets
shrugs 450x10 5 sets
machine deads 450 5 singles
hs rows 45x15 each arm 6 sets
face pulls 40x15 5 sets
Must be Ozzy day...this came on my ipod and then 2 more Ozzy songs. Strange things that happen when the ipod is on shuffle. Appropriate for the way I feel this week. 2 more training weeks and then a rest before the comp.
Was stoked this morning to find out that WSM is in North Carolina this year. Would be cool to see it live...
Leg day....
Power squat facing in 720x8 5 sets
Power squat facing out 630x8 5 sets
Leg press 360x15 7 sets
Romanians on smith 315x5 4 sets
And....something about the gym today, rude a'hole high school boys and naked old men. KEEERIST!!! I could have slung plates like frisbees at these morons today.
the rest helped. although last night i felt miserable....went to bed early and got some good food in me this morning. the world shutdown and i went to pressing...
my body hit the wall the other day. seriously pushing myself hard for this comp in july. have to, need to, want to... i am trying to figure out though what caused this sudden stumble into a cinder block wall.
food? maybe....3 days of binging has helped. 2 pizzas, 2 liter coke, frosted flakes, reeses peanut butter cups...the big ones....and a very large jar of nutella have all helped me feel human again. i really think i need to add a few more calories to the diet. looking at a gainer/whey/creatine concoction before bed.
training? very good possibility. 2 on 2 off is wonderful but i do spend minimum 2 hours in the gym. not normal by any means. but why should i train normal? i am a strongman after all. and really i have nothing else going on in my life right now. pushing myself harder in the gym will make up for not being able to do events.
heat? oh it is getting warm here....but that is not an issue. i need to be used to it...just have to get in water and some salt.
stress? most definite. if anyone knows being unemployed right now sucks....nothing is getting cheaper, the state just started taxing unemployment..thanks for voting in that douche bag you bunch of retarded sheep...
less and less jobs being posted, and i literally have to compete with rocket scientists for jobs. throw in a few other things stressing me and you have a whole balloon of insanity waiting to bust, thankfully i have the iron to let it out on.
So it was 80's music day in the gym and this came on....
and then this...
That was redeeming and actually a good tune to train oly lifts to. And yes I air guitarted the solo!
So got to the gym and hit up power cleans, hi-pulls, split press and some grip work today. Supposed to be easy today, not really....on my power cleans I managed to do something to my left wrist. So like any dense male of the species I continued to lift.
Power cleans 205 3 singles
Hi-pulls 315 5 singles
Split press 135 3 singles
----guess you can see where the wrist was bothering me.
Bar end holds 225 30 seconds, 180 45 seconds, 135 60 seconds ---each hand
Grip machine 100x10 5 sets
----went to change shoes for cardio and locked my keys in the locker. Had to get the lock cut off! DUUUURRRRR.
Elliptical 20 minutes HIIT
DUN--done. Taking the next 3 days off to rest and recover. Maybe I will get me a pizza...
Was an interesting as balls and humidity to make you drown. Headed to the gym feeling like crap, just a tired sluggish feeling. training went well but I paid the price for it. I am exhausted now. Still can't figure out why the weight won't drop, still stuck at 242. I seriously want to come in as a lightweight. Can I do it?
Did shoulders and tris yesterday. Was horrible, the wall was hard when I hit it. Went home and gorged on 7 bowls of cereal. I think the food was an issue. the day before I barely ate a thing and definitely not enough carbs. One bright spot was that I was able to do 225 for 5 singles on seated shoulder press.
Today I did legs. Felt better....
Power squat facing in 720 5x5
Power squat facing out 540 5x5
Leg press 450 75 reps
I zombied through this workout. Did not care who was around or in my way, well except for the dickehead trainer that moved a bench in front of the leg press so it was impossible to load....moved it right out of the way and straight at him. I think he got the picture.
ok could we please stop with this guy already? between him and casey anthony i want to scream...christ can these news outlets please talk about what really matters?!?! but i will say the reporter named blow commenting on congressman weiner's weiner made me giggle...
training today....was a light speed workout. lowback was torched from yesterday and took forever to warm up.
hang cleans bar, 95, 135x5, 155 6 singles
split press bar, 95, 115, 135x 2, 155 5 reps
hi pulls 275x2 5 sets
holds 450 20s, 15s, 10s
gotta love when a good song is played in the gym. think i even threw in a headbang between sets.
was going to try the gym yesterday but i was seriously sore from friday. the extra day off helped and i think i will continue with the 2 on 2 off scheme. today was back and it went a little something like this....
zerchers from knees 275x5, 4, 3, 2, 1
seated zercher good mornings 135x5 5sets --- these were tough just to get in position. arms are nicely bruised an battered.
low row with rope 100x10, 150x10, 200x5 3 sets, drops 150x5, 100x5, 50x20 --- did these like the arm over arm pull. the rope was brutal on my hands.
i have a gripe before i get into the training....lately i have been reading a lot of people posting about welfare and the people the receive it. some nasty stuff has been said...yes people abuse the system but it is there for a reason. there are times when real people suffer and need it. majority of those people are not lazy or ignorant and most really don't want to be where they are. but they need it! don't lump everyone into a group because of their misfortune...maybe you should see what the other side is like. get off your comfy chairs and move your self righteous asses to lend a hand.
ok now to the training....
deficit deads 135, 225, 315x5, 415x1, 465x0---tried twice but it was going nowhere.
power squat machine facing in 630x8 5 sets drops 540, 450, 360, 270x8
leg press 360x 75 reps---rest paused
6 weeks till CFL Strongman in first masters comp too! still not decided if i should do heavy or light though. weight is at 242 right now. 11-12 pounds should be easy in the time frame but do i want to go through the hell of cutting weight?
i was waffling about competing. this unemployment thing has got me depressed. i keep on searching and applying, but turned down for one job because i did not have a car. yet, a car was not a requirement for the job. and i even said that the salary they paid in one month i could have a car....go figure it is about the stuff you have not what is inside of you.
so anyway enough bitching...on to training!
z-press on smith machine 135,185x5, 205x3, 225x1----tried 245 but it went only halfway
HS shoulder press 180x10 5 sets
dumbbell side raise 15x15 6 sets
reverse grip pres on smith 245x3 5 sets
pushdowns 40x20 7 sets
elliptical 20 minutes HIIT
Thursday, May 26, 2011
not much going on this week. turned down for another job, for one of the stupidest reasons ever...i have no car. wow....just wow...we judge by what they have not what is in the heart. pathetic...
supposed to head to a local bodybuilding show saturday and then train stones sunday. less than 2 months till lakeland. feeling excited about that.
so i skipped legs this week but hit back today.
good mornings 405x2 5 sets....these always get looks in the gym.
machine shrugs 540x10 5 sets
1 arm rope rows 60,80,100,120,140x8 drops 110,80,50x10 20x15
wide grip pulldowns 120x10 6 sets
face pulls 50x15 7 sets
tried to do cardio but my body has hit the wall. figure i could rest up and save it for sunday.
welcome all to the church of iron....all are welcome but please respect the iron. it does not forgive....
i am amazed how busy the gym is on a sunday. just as many cars there as at the church in the same strip mall.
speaking of religion...i feel sorry for those fools that bought into the whole end of the world schtick. what a sad pathetic life they must lead. and i guess they really do not read their bibles. maybe someone should sue this clown for the money they lost or at least the IRS could investigate him for shits and giggles. i also read a facebook post where someone said that we should make fun of Jesus, cuz he don't find this funny. what i think is that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are laughing their asses off right now. amazed at how we simpleminded humans continually buy into this garbage fed to us by nutjobs. ah well off my soapbox for now....
training today...
z press on smith machine 205x5 3 sets drops...185x3, 155x4, 135x5, 95x10
wide grip upright rows on smith 185x8 6 sets
dumbbell raises 15x20 6 sets
reverse grip press on smith 205x5 6 sets
pushdowns 30x20 6 sets
elliptical 20 minutes level 4 HIIT
up over 250 again. must have ben the pizza and pasta this week. yesterday my parents came out and we had Carraba's...way too much food!! time to dig in and up the cardio and drop the carbs for a few days.
what the hell is going on? the end is coming tomorrow....oh my. i better vacuum for jesus. should i make my bed too? really sad to see these people buying into this BS. Maybe Marx was right...Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. so many people a sucked in a dulled to letting a book rule their lives. they begin to believe in stories that would make the Brothers Grimm happy. if you are going to read these tales then interpret them for yourself. in other words....THINK!!!! maybe deep down inside i want these clowns to be right, then i would not have to worry about anything. we would all be sucked up by a big dyson to find 72 virgins waiting for each and everyone of us. jesus would be there making buttloads of some good wine and we could all join in the holy chorus with elvis, jim morrison, and jimi hendrix. of course the opening act is sam kinison...let's face it god has a sense of humor, ever see a platypus? ah well i will probably wake up sunday morning to this same dull existence waiting for the aliens to abduct me...
FRIENDS....a real one will buy you a pizza from a thousand miles away cuz you had someone rape your bank account. they never give up on you cuz you have bad times. they listen to you rant and rave about the most insane things, even when you ramble and forget what you were talking about. they give your number to hot bartenders. real friends will push you to be better, even if you pass them up on the way. crazy as they are they are yours. no one but you knows how much they mean, let them know too.
they may misunderstand you but that's only because they want the best for you.
WORK...this day and age it is fleeting. never lose who you are for the almighty dollar, you might wonder what just happened a little too late. do what you love, or at least do what you do well!
THIEVES....nameless faceless cowards that steal from the hardworking everyday person, you are scum. go rob the rich peoples bank accounts, mess up their greedy lives. you will be caught, you will be punished, hopefully in a country that cuts off bodyparts.
WOMEN....i don't get you at all. you are soft, warm and so loving, until that crazy side of you appears. tell us what you want and need, men are too simple to read minds. throw us a frikkin bone here! single ladies...don't make us chase you so much, especially if you like us. be bold and let us know.
ah....much better. my head is now full of air and dust bunnies.
and now for something completely different...
A MAN WITH 3 BUTTOCKS...not really just some training
zerchers 315x2 5 sets....added a little shrug at the top to pull the bar up a bit.
shrugs 405x10 6 sets
rope rows/ pulldowns 100/100x 8/8 6 sets
face pulls 50x20 5 sets
hang cleans 135 8 singles
must be the full moon or the insecurity of joblessness but i was not myself this morning. one more application and waiting....forever waiting. well i drug my butt to the gym and found one way to get rid of that miserable feeling in my head is to dealift it away.
was happy to get back to training after 2 days off. strange what that does to a person....we brutalize and beat ourselves up but go back for more. a very strange addiction, but i guess it is better than drugs, alcohol, and shoes.
wanted to see how my shoulder would hold up after the last workout. seems ice, stretching, and some aspirin is helping. a little pain and tightness, but nothing a good warm-up and stretch would not help.
z-press on smith machine 205x2 5 sets....tried 225 and 215 but they were going nowhere. guess this is due to not having any support for my back. but i like the way my shoulders feel on this.
wide grip upright rows 245x5 5 sets....felt good, but i was really doing these like a hi-pull, explosive and fast. gotta get that 275 to my chest in lakeland.
dumbell front/side raise 25x8 6 sets....ugh, these were brutal. might drop the front raise next week.
close grip press 275x2 5 sets....upping the weight next week.
through adversity there is redemption....gotta love that lyric! how many people just quit or take the easy path when the crap flies? sometimes we just have to take it and move on. readjust, realign, or just restart. well that's been my life... today was rough in the gym...
power cleans 135x4, 185, 205 easy singles 225...bout halfway up and stalled, twice. definitely have to drop and push more.
shrugs 225x10, 315x10, 405x10...straps, 495x10, 545x5, 585x5
good mornings 135x5, 225x5 315x5 3 sets....these were all murder. my right bicep near the shoulder felt like it was going to come popping off. pain was intense, good sign of an impingement. will say that as i kept going the stretch helped.
HS rows/ pulldowns 90/90x10 110/110x8/6 3 sets good stretch at the top of the pulldowns.
face pulls 100x10 8 sets
well i learned a few things today...stretching is my friend. will have to work on the bicep and shoulder more. i have neglected my rear delts and that could be the cause of the should/bicep problem. speed kills!! have to get faster on my cleans.
leg day today, but before i get into that i did do something yesterday. 20 minutes of yoga and 100 kettlebell swings. both really felt good on the shoulders. a lot of self chiro during the yoga. sounded like a bowl of rice krispies. actually left me energized the rest of the day...
so i decided to beat the heat today and head in to the gym early. man was it packed....that's ok i meandered to my corner of the gym to do legs...
reverse squats 720 5x5....surprisingly way too easy. next time more reps!
hack squats 270 7x8
standing leg curl 100x10 5 sets drops 85, 70, 55, 40, 25 10 reps each
extensions 100 10x10 again way too time it will be worse
elliptical 20 minutes, level 1, 2 mph/5 mph, 1 minute intervals
was buying a protein drink after and picked up a flyer for a bb'ing show on may 28th. right up the street from where i live. maybe i will head up there and do some coverage. anyone want to join me?
ok pity party over. time to get it on....2 months till CFL strongman. "face to face" is the theme song for me now.
means a lot on all levels, i have some issues that will only be worked out against the iron.
made a couple decisions regarding training. i will rotate my pressing, push press and seated press. i will also do close grips on the same day. deads will rotate with leg press and back day will be power cleans and zerchers, rotated with good mornings.
another thought floating through my addled brain is weight. 2 weeks ago i was 250+, today i was 245. must have been the screaming shits i had all week....going to put myself on a strict eating plan. keto with a few carbs thrown in for sanity, mostly rice. also adding cardio in the gym, something i have neglected and have paid for dearly. maybe, just maybe i will come in a lightweight master and tear it up. do this right and i won't have to cut weight the last week and i will be one happy dude.
Z press on smith machine 205 5 singles....shoulder felt iffy but i warmed up and stretched well
widegrip upright row on smith 225 5x5
dumbell front/side raise 10x15 15x15 20x10 25x8 30x6 drops...20x10 10x15 5x20....this was brutal!
close grip press 135x5 185x5 225x2 245,275,295 1 each
pushdowns w/ rope 30x20 8 sets
what a long but quick week. last friday i was in orlando helping RX cover the Europa Show of Champions.
this friday i am back to my usual of waiting an watching the email and phone. was a great weekend spent with old and new friends. lot of food and drinks and tons of fun.
Cafe Tu Tu Tango on friday was is amazing! fun way to eat, just little bits at a time. Although the fight was great and the food decent saturday's experiment at The Tilted Kilt was a failure. talk about crap service, not even the pretty servers in mini kilts could make up for it.
Sunday was exceptional and way too short. hit a pr on deads with a dudebro and then headed to EPCOT for an attempt to make it around the world. fish and chips, beer, coffee and hazelnut liquor, strange orange frozen drink, sake, swordfish and rumpleminze....sadly we only made it to germany before the park closed. we did head to raglan road to finish out the night...had the most amazing potato nachos there!
back to the "fun" of my life monday...did try a place close that had mahi tacos and a chipotle beer, yes it was spicy!! thanks to a great friend for that. the rest of the week was filled with cake...yes i devoured the strawpple cake. so much of it that i think i will be doing a keto diet for a bit. other than that i have been keeping myself from walking to the ledge.
why the ledge? i am tired of waiting to hear about jobs i have applied to. 6 months already and nothing in sight. i feel like jason and the argonauts lost at sea drifting aimlessly.
well not baseball but kettlebells. talk about a cardio workout, heaving and drenched i made it through 15 minutes of hell.
k-bell swings 16kg 210 total
hammer swings 5lb 75 total
curls with bands 100 total
also lined up my weekend and a few possible interviews. i am thinking of trying the strongman stuff. the format has changed. might take the chance to walk away with a few bucks.
what an appropriate song and artist for this wonderful day. yup it is that time of year when a zombie rises and a bunny leaves colored hard boiled eggs and chocolate effigies of itself. enjoy the sugar high and egg farts but beware of anyone craving brains...
after a couple days of rest i swung the kettlebell...
1 arm swings 16kg 150 total
2 arm snatch 24kg 3 sets 5 reps
med ball extensions 12lb ball 15 reps 2 sets
ball twists 12lb ball 50 reps
coc trainer 5 reps 2 sets, #1 3 reps 2 sets #2 3 reps
imtug #4 10 reps 2 sets #5 3 reps 2 sets
coc trainer 20 each hand
coc #2 negative hold 20seconds each hand
that is it....looking forward to next weekend. Europa Show of Champions and a couple great friends coming down.
Yeah how I feel lately...knee, shoulder, spirit. But as usual I will not be defeated. I try to inject something positive everyday despite the crap. I see people running their mouths and fingers and I call BS. Sometimes it is to educate and help, other times it is to lay the hammer down. Really why and how can people be so thin skinned, mean, and nasty? The funny thing is I wonder how many of these people can do it in real life?
Well that lead me to a wonderful workout....
Seated press on Smith machine 225x2 5 sets
Upright rows on Smith machine 185x6 6 sets
Dumbbell Raises 20x15 8 sets ---- these hurt!
Close Grip Press 275x1 5 sets
Pushdowns 50x15 8 sets
Yeah this song spoke to me today. I got here somehow but those that left scars do not matter, even the ones that don't know they hurt me. So I move on, temper the hate and frustration with some iron...
Rack Pulls 755 5 singles
HS Iso Row 1-arm 135x6 6 sets
Low Row with Rope 1-arm 100x5 5 sets
Face Pulls with Rope 100x10 10 sets
Decided to check my weight...ugggh! 247?!? Guess I better increase the cardio.
Going to hit 90...Looks like the AC stays on, I dread the electric bill. So instead of marching my butt to the gym I stayed in and battled my intestines. Something I ate feels like an ALIEN trying to escape. Sad part is my dog is feeling the same...
Well I managed to suffer through some training....
Kettlebell Swings 120 total 16kg bell
Hammer Swings 60 total 5lb hammer
Turkish Getups 20 total 16kg bell
Ball Raise and Extension 30 total 12lb ball
Ball Twist 60 total 12lb ball
Ball Bend 30 total 12lb ball
COC trainer 10 each hand 6 sets
That was good enough for me. tomorrow looks like a good day to hammer my back.
Well I decided to put myself through hell for 2 weeks. I mean what else does an unemployed strongman do?
Yes I continue to look for work, but I have a lot of time on my hands...2 weeks you ask? Well I will be hanging out with a couple friends and helping RX Muscle cover the Europa Show of Champions. I want to challenge myself and see what I can do....
Today it poured rain so instead of going to the gym I dug out the kettlebells and Captains of Crush.
Swings 100 total
Snatch/C+P 30 each
Front Squat/Overhead Squat 30 each
Renegade Lunge 100 total
COC trainer 5 each hand
COC #1 5 sets 3 Reps
COC #2 Negative holds 15 count, 3 sets each hand
Imtug #4 5/5/5 3 sets each hand ---- top 2 fingers/middle 2 fingers/ bottom 2 fingers
COC trainer 20 reps each hand
Also I warmed up and stretched pretty good beforehand. To add to my pain I will do some more stretching later, possibly yoga...
And finally before I go....Opinions and principles are 2 different things. State one and live by the other. Learn tact though when uttering your opinions, not everyone likes what you or I think.
So the leg is not as bad as I thought. Sore and tight, no swelling or bruising. YAY me. Definitely did not hurt walking down the stairs this morning. I will probably avoid any standing movements for the next week and no leg work for sure.
Really sucks to try and push myself and not think about getting hurt. No job and no insurance make it tough to think of going all out. Somehow I still do it, guess it is the warrior in me. But what could I do without this hanging over me?
I am back to just waiting for a call or email...What does someone have to do to get a job? I am not asking for much more than a chance to prove myself. Well at least get to watch a lot of movies...
Keeerist! Could it suck more? Well the answer is yes!! I think after my little weekend pity party it was time to kill some weights. Got up early headed to the gym to beat the heat and started with leg press. Feeling really good I bumped the weights 180lbs a set. 360,540,720....900!! Did 3 sets of 8 with the 900, fourth set I got 4 and POP!!!
Something went above my left knee. Gimped my way to the locker room to bruising, but it hurts. Called it a day and walked home. That was ok for about 10 minutes then the pain set in and I still had a flight of stairs to climb. Icing it and took some aspirin. I can feel it swelling up as I type....
Got back to the gym, well rested and fueled by some serious stupidity. Nothing irks me more than censorship... Don't say that, don't be that way, don't do that...All society today wants are sheep. Individuals will be put down and made to feel inferior. Well FUCK THEM!
Anyway...I pressed yesterday. was a true test to see how my shoulder healed up. push press 205,225,245x1
split press 155x2 5sets
hi-pulls 315 5x5
reverse grip press 275x2 5sets
pushdowns 100x10 5sets drops 80,60,40,20
Shoulder felt tight and sore. Iced it and stretched it...felt much better.
Today I did deadlifts.... deficit deads on 2"box 405x8 singles ---bout tore off a callous
squat machine--facing in-- 540x8 5 sets
standing leg curls 100x8 5 sets
pull thrus 100x10 5 sets
wrist curls--2 ways-- 135,155,185x10 135x10
hammer curls 100x4 3 sets 80,60,40x4 20x10
So far I feel good. Let's see what happens later..
Something about that song just gets me wired...even the original version by U2...quite appropriate on this dreary day too. Would like to see some blue sky, could use it to cheer me up. This job hunting is really getting me down and affecting my attitude towards a lot of other things. Application after application sent and I just wait. Wait for an email or phone call, good or bad! What really bothers me is that a piece of paper means more to some companies than experience and ability. Guess I should just apply to McDonalds.
Anyway enough of me griping and whining....
It begins again maybe a bit early but I have set my focus on 2 competitions this year. Central Florida Strongman Championship and Masters Nationals. CFL is in July and Masters is in November...plenty of time to get ready and decide if I want to compete as a heavyweight or lightweight. I could also double down at CFL and compete as an open middle and heavy master, the weights are the same!
Well the events for both competitions are good and look like fun. The main goal I have is to finish all the events and get points. But my real goal for CFL is to press that 275lb axle! 2 years in a row it has handed me my ass. now it is my turn to beat it...
I am gearing my training for that press but also keeping the other events in mind. Going to follow a push/pull program that focuses on gym lifts that will help my events. Hoping to get in an event day every other week. Somewhere in there I will throw in conditioning work with kettlebells.
But why? Well...the last 2 weeks I have been able to see a friend win 2 bodybuilding competitions. His second coming after finding out a close family member passed away the morning he was to compete. He inspired me to step up my game even during this trying time for me.
why dear god do i do these things? they come and go and take forever to get a new PR. you would think such a brute strength exercise is so tough to master. well enough griping, here are the details...
deads 135x5 225x5 315x3 405x2 495x1 545x0---attempted twice but was going nowhere. 495x5 singles
power squat machine facing in 360x8 6 sets
standing leg curls 100x10 5 sets
rope rows 150x8 5 sets
HS iso row 1 arm 90x8 5 sets
face pulls 100x10 5 sets
what was really funny is that a couple people were impressed with the 495. i must be the only crazy person in the gym lifting heavy.
and on another note...i am waiting to hear back about 2 jobs. one i took a test for and qualified. hoping they call. got a phone call today from a service that i applied with couple weeks ago, wanted me to go to the machining company today. really? i told the lady i would be able to go monday. still waiting to hear from her...if the company was so desperate why didn't they call me in 2 weeks ago?!?1
woke up early today. felt wonderfully rested but a little anxious...figured i might as well take it out in the gym.
headed there early to a busy gym filled with senior citizens. oh well, i made my way to the back and hit a push day...
leg press 270, 450, 630x10, 810x8 5 sets, drops 720, 630, 540, 450, 360, 270 all for 8 reps.
lunges on smith machine 135x8 6 sets...was hell grabbing the bar. right shoulder tight. but loosened up by the last 2 sets
reverse grip press on smith 135x5, 185x5, 205x5 5 sets....shoulder is feeling better on these
pushdowns 180x10 5 sets...was actually light because of the pulleys.
cable tate press 20x15 8 sets
also found my first comp of the year...Central Florida's Strongest Man....
can't ecide if i should enter Masters Heavy or Open Middle. funny thing is the weights are the same. i could always diet for Masters Light.
well damn me...i was up early, ready to roll and event training was canceled. oh well more time to get ready and hit the gym. but for some reason a little wind was taken out of my sails. i felt like the intensity wasn't there although the strength was.
well i felt like doing nothing today...fought with myself and the doubts...i won and went to the gym.
in the process i did have a great convo with my neighbors. fun to hear about other people and their lives.
well had to show the dingleberries how to deadlift...
i feel a bit like Wheezy today. the pollen is high and so am i...on benadryl. this is not a great time of year.
training is horrible when you can't breathe. i as gasping for air like a fish out of water. but i managed to make it through...
squats 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 405x10,5,5---wanted 20 straight but that was not happening
hacks 270x8 6 sets 180x10, 90x15
reverse grip benches on smith machine 185x8 5sets
pushdowns 100x10 5 sets, 80x8, 60x8, 40x12, 20x20
tate cable extension 20x10 6 sets
although today was sucky in the gym i am really happy with stuff going on at strongman is a big priority and i get to be part of that! finally after all these years there is coverage and recognition for the athletes that put in the hard work for a sport that i not only enjoy watching but participating in.
cannot figure out what is going on but for the past few nights i have been sleepless. one night i was up till 730am and managed to get 3 hours of sleep. last night was no different. i laid down at 10pm knowing that we were losing an hour. i wanted to be well rested for event training. well every time i dozed off something woke me or crept into my mind and had me wired. 4am rolls around and i know i am screwed. my alarm was set for 5...finally sleep came and i woke up at 10...exactly when i was supposed to be training. why?!?!?! i am normally the person that can sleep through anything. could it be stress? anticipation? anxiety? or maybe the fact that i am doing nothing to make myself exhausted...well that might have changed today. hit the gym for some nasty punishment.
ever have that epiphany while sitting there unloading your bowels and stinking up the place? yeah had a few in my life...mostly just stinking up the place though with a few bright and shining moments. i wonder if Einstein came up with his theory that way? but i digress....
the past few weeks are a true test of who i am and what makes me tick. it is a struggle somedays to get up and function. i apply to jobs with the hope of just hearing "we want you to work for us." i check my resume to update and change details, just to fit a job, praying that the HR personnel like what they see.
through all this i find a way to keep sane and away from the ledge. the gym, hulu, netflix, pandora and my weekly trip to the little diner down the street. funny how the simple things make a difference. i talk to my friends and kids which is a great way to bring me off the edge. also i am going through old art and stories, rethinking that i should just do this stuff again. there is my passion. love the sport. you just have to watch the Arnold Classic to know what i mean. hurts the most that i cannot compete and training can be too much to bear right now. but i stay in the gym and keep that fire burning. hopefully i can stay healthy...which is why i will be taking a week off. damn shoulder is tweaked. funny how an ancient injury will come back to haunt you.
so to sum this rambling wreck....i need the focus and intensity to see it all through!
amazed at how things are elsewhere. but can they get like that here?
i am seriously getting tired of the job hunting. i almost don't care anymore. how many more resumes can i send out...ugh. would rather shovel crap if it paid well.
so i managed to get to the gym. went through the motions....
close grip bench press 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x4,3,2
aaaagh! nothing beats a little physical and mental anguish. waiting to hear back on my interview yesterday, apply for more work...for whatever reason i have been thinking about my past. the wrongs i have done and the wrongs done to me. i suppose it is all part of growing and surviving. makes me a bit tired, which i found out today during training.
legs were on the menu today...
romanian deads with trap bar 140x8, 230x5, 320x5, 410x2 6 sets..pure brutal pain and torture.
sober is the truth....take a step back and check the ego. tough thing to i started something different today
not quite bodybuilding and yet not all strongman. if anyone knows me i love to lift heavy. it is therapy and meditation. the iron and me, that is it. nothing else exists at that point.
i discovered that i cannot push myself to the brink too long. things hurt and old injuries flare up. i have about 5 weeks of real heavy lifting in me before that happens. and that is what occurred. now i am going to try for more volume. i will keep the weights high but sub-max. 3 days in the gym lifting: shoulders/tris, legs/abs, chest/back.
simple...i am also going to throw in a couple conditioning workouts with kettlebells.
diet will be cleaner this time around. i am using humapro and chain'd out along with some other clean sources of protein. going to backload carbs too. no junk though! worst carbs might be some white bread. sunday will be a cheat day for me....can't beat a trip to the diner for breakfast.
my right shoulder is not liking all this pressing as of late. even though i have made great gains on the 5/3/1 program i need to keep my body in one piece. going to back off the heavy stuff and work something that resembles a bodybuilding routine. i will continue to focus on my overhead press, cuz that is still a major goal. the other goals are numerically there so i can hit those with a little focus.
not sure about a routine yet but i have some idea of how to put one together. still going to hit 4 days in the gym and add in more cardio. maybe the pool and bike since it is warm out here. diet will be cleaned up and i will allow myself one cheat day per week. so far looks like sunday is a good day for it.
i have been struggling to keep a positive attitude lately. i have tried to eliminate the negative in my life and focus on positive stuff. i will push myself further in that direction and clean up my thinking. the mind has to be worked out just as much as the body.
and finally i am going to rearrange stuff around the apartment...yeah i don't have that much but the change helps.