Saturday, December 19, 2009
bah humbug...
so when was the last time you gave of yourself? sacrificed for others? donated your time? or are you waiting desperately for that one big present? that special gift just for you...
take the time and enjoy this holiday. wish someone a merry christmas, happy hanukah, or happy kwanzaa. throw some change in those red buckets, hug a friend, call someone you haven't talked to in a long time.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
saturday pissings...
went to the gym and punished myself severely. deadlifts 455 5 reps hook grip and chalk. my hands look like hell. good mornings, shrugs, pulldowns and pullups completely ruined my back. the eagle claw pullups always get looks in the gym. hope i can hold a pen tomorrow.
yesterday i murdered my triceps with close grip presses, extensions, pushdowns and incline presses. for some reason my arms really hurt today.
a few observations....
if you are a guy and have to use straps to lift 135lbs do some grip work. there are women stronger than you!
if you have to psyche up before calf raises you are a douchebag. try squats instead chicken legs!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
where did i go?
been busy and have let the blog go for a bit. finally decided to get back on write something.
went to the gym today...
retooled my training by doing a 5-3-1 program. very easy and simple.
hit legs today with front squats, hack squats and some calf work. the calves hate me...i have neglected the for too long. walked with my pooch 1.5 miles too. got to love the florida weather...could be snowing and cold.
i am looking at 2 comps early next year...march and april. hehe april is the europa again. pro qualifier in april!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
electricity and deadlifts
did my first deadlift session for the new program. the wamr ups and first 2 work sets(355 and 405) were great. easy and smooth. should have known what was to come....
455 was like lifting a tanks. did 2 then 3 singles. oh well i got my 5.
shrugs were next, love volume on these! 405 8 sets of 10 reps. jumped to pulldowns and then finished off with eagle claw pullups. decided to do 20 minutes on the elliptical.
looking forward to competing in march. i am contemplating a pro qualifier again. head is still not there for that one.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
rebuilding the strongman
ventured to the gym for my first workout last night....
push press!
my goal is to do a single with 290lbs.
push press 170,205, 225 5 reps each
machine press 180 5 sets 10 reps
1 arm dumbbell clean and press 70 5 sets 5 reps
got crazy and walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes.
Friday, November 13, 2009
competition woes...
sort of.
i made weight at 229.9, refed like an insane rabid beast. so much my gut seriously hurt friday night. got to the comp feeling pretty darn good. but my sinuses were going insane! been fighting an infection the entire week before the comp. i was blowing and coughing dayglo green snot....
made it hard to breathe. add in the dusty windy day and i was in hell.
my first event went well, a PR even! log press with 220lbs for 9 reps. i held the lead momentarily....
deadlift...dammit i blew that one. the suit screwed my groove. could not stand up with the axle. oh well. move on.
after some equipment issues the promoter and judges figured out the next event. tire flip and sled drag. never made it to the sled. the 725lb tire kicked my ass. i need a bigger one to train with.
farmers walk was my shining and shin destroying moment. 120' with a turn at 60' 250lbs each hand. i was running, ok in my opinion. when i crossed the line i let go and bashed my shin on the handle. still feeling it today.
as the sun was setting, yes this comp lasted 8 hours...we started the last event. stone over bar for reps. 250lbs, i got 4 reps. i mentally checked out at this point and was ready for food and alcohol.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
couple days and a couple pounds...
have early weigh ins friday...and i have a few pounds left to lose. good thing i now have a bike in my apartment!
think i will be visiting the sauna thursday and friday...
looking forward to a fun comp and fun weekend!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
squeezing it all in...
hit the lakeshore for a good walk with my dog. cleaned up my apartment, sort of...
got in the gym. did quads and shoulders. i brutalized my legs with some volume. squat machine, extensions, and hacks. i think the 50 reps i did on the hacks killed my glutes. they ache!
shoulders were toasted with presses, laterals, and some very tough dumbbell clean and press.
i threw in 45 minutes on the treadmill. have to sweat out the last few pounds to make weight next week. surprisingly i was 234lbs at the end of my workout. only 3 to go!! ok really 4 but i am still happy.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Rocky Horror Picture Show
put it on your bucket list and at least experience it once! thats all i got...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
WTF is this?
oh man some people can be suckered to buy anything. i laughed at the dumbbell telephone. but as many times as i pick mine up at work i would have 30" arms! the most bizarre is the gallop thing....i think i saw that in some free porn i received in an email.
makes you wonder if the snake oil salesmen just gave up and decided to make exercise equipment. we all have some gadget somewhere that was going to make our lives better.
now it sits in some dark recess of our closets collecting dust. we dig it out for a garage sale every now and then. but to our dismay even the hardcore garage sale vets say "WTF is this?"
Saturday, October 24, 2009
the store of all stores
A brand new store has just opened in New York City that sells husbands. When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions at the entrance:-"You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors and the value of the products increase as you ascend the flights. You may choose any item from a particular floor or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you CANNOT go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.
The 1st floor sign reads: :Floor 1 - These men have jobs.
The 2nd floor sign reads:Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love K ids.
The 3rd floor sign reads:Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids and areextremely good looking.
"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the 4th floor and the sign reads:Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help with Housework."Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the 5th floor and sign reads:Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, help with Housework and Have A Strong Romantic Streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the sign reads:Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opens a New Wives store just across the street.
The 1st floor has wives who love sex.
The 2nd floor has wives who love sex and love football.
The 3rd through 6th floors have never been visited.
shaving my forearms and other oddities of the strongman
deadlift suits. although not exclusive to strongman, they are a fun piece of clothing to put on. super tight and designed to make you stand up. i have to learn to breathe in it. i have also got stuck on the floor. definitely not something you can be mobile in. it hurts and bruises along with the rubbing off of flesh on your fingers...just to pull the straps up requires a crane or very brave training partner.
tacky...pine rosin. looks like the stuff women and some men get their "junk" waxed with!
helps the stones suck right up to your arms. it does not work well when you are sweating like a whore in church. this wonderful substance also requires some work just to remove. wd-40, baby oil, and goop hand that reads like a perverts dream.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
happy it is cool

Thursday, October 15, 2009
buried and back like a zombie
warmups went well....easy with 405. threw on the bands... sat down and couldnt get back up. went down to 315 and added a second band. this set me down on the bench really fast. rather embarrassing. called it a day for those and proceeded to hammer my hamstrings. they still hurt 3 days later.
a day later and zombie-like, i made my return for shoulder work. felt good with lockouts, got 265 for a couple half reps. then i did some nasty inclines with 270. ended with some really tough side raises. now i felt better!
Friday, October 9, 2009
the wall
can't quite tell why. could be a cold...i feel yucky. aches, stuffed head, tired. thankfuilly no fever.
or i could be a little dehydrated and suffering heat stress. it is still mid 90's here and humid as hell. so just walking the dog is a one tshirt and a shower affair.
it is to the point i did not want to go outside or even talk to anyone. drained me enough that i decided to stay out of the gym. better to stay healthy and rest. i also ate like crazy so my appetite was ok.
i have learned to listen to my body over these years of lifting. best to take it easy than to get an injury that will nag you forever. when i am tired and drained or stressed my mind is not focused.
without that form gets sloppy or i think pushing thru will help. quite a good recipe for disaster.
best to rest, rehydrate, and refeed. come back fresh and make some impressive gains.
Monday, October 5, 2009
beware the kilt...

Sunday, October 4, 2009
whats new in my world?
same old sh** different day....
work continues....getting used to having days off. but i can get in some serious training. the days i work make good rest days. jockeying a desk isn not that strenuous.
training is great. i have changed my membership so i can train with a friend at a different golds. also allows me to train at all the golds in the area. sometimes the environmental change is a good thing. events are off the chart! feeling really good about this comp. but not overconfident.
Monday, September 28, 2009
weekend update
did events saturday. was pleased with the results despite the humidity and 3 soaked t-shirts!
farmers was easy, need to work my turns. tire again was insanely easy. going to have to do multiple sets just for the cardio. stones were great. event though i was so sweaty the tacky came off on my first pull. worked out some issues with placement and got some solid reps after missing 2.
sunday was a different story...deadlifts sucked! 505 was all i could manage. the 2 reps i did took everything out of me. maybe my back was toasted from events. certainly know i lost a bit from the heat. pullups were easy..5x5 with the eagle claw loops, done with fingertips. pulldowns killed and made me feel real good.
relaxed the rest of the day with football.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
i attract the retards
i then verbally ripped into the brainless turd. good for me i can train later and avoid the morons in the morning.
other than that my 3 days off were great. ate a lot! the mexican buffet will never be the same.
training was outstanding! a pr on close grip press, 325 for 4 singles....good mornings with 500lbs.
a decent push press with 250 for 2 reps.
looking to hit it big time in november. the comp is a great set of events for me. just looking for PR's and an early qualification for 2010 nationals.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
boredom, training, plans, and a rant
november 7th is my next competition
my work schedule makes training easy and gives me enough rest. this should be fun and a great opputunity to qualify extremely early for 2010 nationals. and that is my goal!! the weights are perfect and doable for me. my weight will be easy to manage...only 5-6 lbs to drop. a good time with friends coming in and my training partner comepting too!
after that...who knows?
now the rant....
my job is simple. but someone can fuck it up! or at least cause distress among the rest of the crew. we input vital and timely information for our customers. if not done then we lose and so does our customers. amazingly that is just what the person i follow did not do. fucking retarded monkeys could do this job! i come in on a saturday morning to a shitstorm of fucked up info.
to top it off this person left as soon as i walked in...10 minutes early and i ended playing catchup for an hour.
yes this person wins the "c-word" award
Monday, September 14, 2009
a flight, a competition, and tastycakes
a great friend took me to genos for a cheesesteak and then to a surprise...a star trek exhibit at the franklin institute!! yes i am a bit of a trekkie. watched the new movie on the imax too.
we made our way to jersey and i spent the rest of the weekend with, well...someoen i really care about. lets save that for another blog....
saturday was the raiders robotix strongman competition. took 3rd in the heavies. really happy with it. the events: hummer push/sled pull, tire flip 10 in max time, tire toss, treestump carry, stone over bar. i was bummed about the stone. should have been easy but it was new and baby bottom smooth. no tacky allowed either!
now to the tastykakes...
things must be made with crack! had the peanut butter ones and chocolate cupcakes!! sweet mother of jesus!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
a weekend off..finally
did actually train saturday. easy event day. now i am on my new work schedule and waiting for friday. will be heading to new jersey to compete this coming weekend. looking forward to a fun time and a cheesesteak in philly.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
10 days
315 for 2 singles
they felt amazingly light. and that my friends is a PR! stopped at 2, 10 days till i compete no sense in letting my ego get the best of me.
dumbbell extensions100 5sets 5reps
pushdowns45 8sets 20reps
elliptical 40 minutes
watched "wake island: alamo of the pacific" on history channel. a must see! it is my legacy as a a marine. my squadron was on that island in ww2.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
"C" word awards
i will start with today. why? because 2 people in one instance deserve this most prestigious award. training in the gym this morning. using the leg press but moving back and forth to the squat rack. a woman comes in looks at the 450lbs on the leg press and heads off to the desk. here comes thew manager and a gym rat. they remove the plates for her...lazy woman. then the manager makes an anouncement about cleaning off the plates. i go the her and then ask her about courtesy and gym etiquette. why didnt the woman ask if anyone was using the machine?
why didnt the manager ask? i was using it...and they messed up my workout.
both of these wondewrful people get the award!! for the utter lack of courtesy and intelligence!!
next up is thew queen mother of all....
a certain person in my life, i have been sworn to secrecy to reveal her identity, has gone to tell members of my family that i am gay! being far from the truth i am amazed at her audacity to assume she was the last woman i was ever with.....
her reasoning? the women friends that i have on facebook and a video i posted from the producers. oh lord i laughed when i heard this. a true C-word if ever....
started with leg press, 810 for 5 sets of 5 reps. took them deep! front squats....225 for 5 singles. had to tape my right wrist. hurts something fierce! also forgot my wraps, oh well. i sucked it up and finished. here is where i get pissed...
went to do pullthrus. 150 5 sets 5 reps. then ended with hi foot leg press. kept my feet high on the platform to hit my hams and glutes. 450 10 sets of 10 reps. angry pissed off and irate....showered and off to work!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
catching up with life and pressing
got up real early today...some reason my phone rang...text message at 615 am!!! haha it was nce though. go in the gym an no one was those times. got in the rack and did push presses. 245 or 80% of the max that i want eventually. go on do the math...
the first rep was only halfway, ouch! but then i banged out 4 more singles!! next time all 5 will go up! dropped the weight to 155 and repped out 8. that felt really light. still need to work my push.
walked over to the cable crossover machine and did upright rows with a tricep rope. 8 sets with 150( i think) 5 reps each set. last exercise was on a hammer shoulder press...50 lbs each side 10 sets 10 reps. that fried my delts!! to end this i did 20 minutes on the elliptical.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
long time coming
500lbs....1,3,1 reps. was happy with it. should have gone for 5 on my second set. had more in the tank at the time. tried a hook grip with my warmups. not bad. you know you work deads hard when you feel it in your lats.
shrugs were my second exercise....405lbs 5 sets 10 reps. felt nice just to work it. pulldowns and rows finished off my back. ended my day with 20 minutes on the elliptical.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
(insert witty title here)
hammer strength press....had a lot in the tank for these. 320lbs 5sets 2 reps.
cable side raises....these hurt! 45lbs 5 sets 5 reps.
1 arm dumbbell clean and press...75, 85, 95, 105 all singles each arm. 55 and 30 12 reps each.
ellipitical....20 minutes hill interval.
now i can rest tomorrow or do maore cardio...aaaaggggh
Saturday, August 22, 2009
a good son
been trying to get in and see my mom all week. but to my dismay her therapy is going on when i show up. so i decided to stay home this morning. went to the gym instead of travelling to do events.
low back was feeling sore and tight from the earlier workout and it showed. glad i didnt go to event training. i would have quit early. romanian deadlifts on the hammer machine showed my misery...630 for 5 singles. dropped the weight in half to rep it out but i couldnt break the weight off the ground. moved over to the leg press. did 1 leg at a time. 300lbs...20 reps each. dropped 50lbs each set for the next 3. repped that out till i hurt, the good kind. zerchers were up next to torture me. 275 5 sets of 3 reps, from the bottom pin. my back hated me for that.
figured i wasnt done with my masochistic training, so i did some grip work. bar end holds and hercules holds...truly finished.
got in to see my mom. watched her finish therapy this morning. amazing to see how hard she is working. told her it was just like me training and competing. she gave me a smile and said "really?"
Friday, August 21, 2009
did what i hate most
total of 75 minutes on the treadmill.
inbetween the 30 minute sessions i did forearm work. first time was standing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls. used 205lbs for those. after the second trip on the treadmill i did hammer curls, 70-110 lbs 5-1 rep. then i did twist yo wrist...whats that you ask? it looks like a giant yoyo.
you loop the cord thru a plate and then roll it up. cool part is the hands are in a neutral position.
thats all folks!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
If If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
oh yeah if you dont know its by Rudyard Kipling
watchoo lookin at?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
what are those giant rubber bands for?
close grip press with pink and purple bands. oh yeah also had 275 on the bar. 5 singles.
felt ok...wasnt happy with the depth.

dumbbell extension with 90lber. 5 sets of 5 reps. way too easy.
more iron next time.
pushdowns with 55lbs 8sets of 15 reps.
got on the elliptical for 20 minutes and sweated like a whore in church.
was a good day in the gym. going to feel it tomorrow or maybe sooner!
Monday, August 17, 2009

i want my hour back. fuckers!!
so i got up off my lazy butt or actually rolled it out of bed this morning. got cardio and abs in today. 60 minutes on the treadmill and elliptical. with ab work inbetween. 3 of my favorite moves for abs...ab pulldowns, cable side bends, and straight arm pulldowns.
Sunday, August 16, 2009

I am trying to rediscover what motivates me. Is it an external need? Or is it an internal drive?
I do not buy into all the baloney quotes or motivational posters. After awhile they become watered down and transparent. Think about how many posters or signs you might have around you at work....they catch your eye at first but eventually blend into the scenery. There has to be something deep inside that drives us to do what we do.
I will admit I do like to watch a good movie like Rocky just to get my adrenaline flowing. Maybe its the underdog story or willingness to stand toe to toe with the champ and not quit. But that is me deep down inside. Never quitting...
The problem is keeping it all in focus. When the world crashes around you how do you react? What is the goal? The carrot on the stick? Is there a prize or reward at the end of the journey?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
movie reviews
my second pick is the dvd of the watchmen....again i am taken back. this time to my comic book reading days. i can remember when it came out as a mini series, long before it was published as a graphic novel. this is what its all about, the story was true to the original. it hit like a bag of bricks to the head even onscreen. alan moore should be proud of this! if you watch this and dont think just a little then you are probably a moron. the story along with v for vendetta will stir the brain and get you thinking about what we are doing and where we are going.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
up next...jersey!
today i trained...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
been a bit
suppose i can get back to it. but i need something inspiring...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
for whatever reason i drove on. turned into his subdivision and trained. i felt possesed today. something hit me and i was nailing the events. the ipod god also bestowed on me the perfect mix of songs to train to...
i now feel like i have some confidence it here...
i have also managed to stuff myself with mcdonalds. its my favorite after training cheat meal.
definitley helps with the mood.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
welcome to the worlds largest steam room....
99 today...without the heat index. breathing is like sucking air through one of those cocktail stirrers. it was 90 by 10 am. yesterday sucked the life out of me. there was absolutely no desire to train. so i took my mom and dad out for breakfast.
decided to head into work early cuz if i had to wait till it was hotter i was not going anywhere.
sadly enough today would be a great day at the beach, but here i sit behind a computer deleting emails.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
a few days...
friday i did nothing for training. i was dragging @$$. thinking the diet is kicking in.
i weighed in at 234 so i am not stressing making weight.
today was event day. with the last few days of laziness i thought i would be well rested and ready to go! NOT....was almost 90 by the time we started training, we train in a garage...i did log clean and press and stones today. my back was tight so picking anything up was misery and made me slow. maybe i shouldn't do 2 days of deadlifting? throw in the oppressive heat and humidity and today was enough to make me want to move to alaska. the chalk was paste and i was so sweaty the tacky wouldn't stick to my arms.
overall i am happy with it. tougher in training easier in the competition! also quite happy that my training partner was able to shoulder a stone.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
what you lookin at?
did 765 on my rack pulls and about blacked out. what made me happy was doing 585 with no straps! moving comes the pain...good mornings with 405lbs. 5 sets 5 reps....i am still waiting for someone to correct my squat form. hehe! next a true asskicking. zercher deads from the knees with 315 for 5 brutal singles! hold on folks the show isnt over....moved onto 1 arm cable rows, 125 10 reps 8 sets.
crap was i beat. i am not happy with my sucky gym. 765 is all i can load on the bar. not a hundred in site. do i change gyms? the closest hardcore gym is 45 minutes away in the opposite direction from work. maybe i could change my schedule just to go there on sundays.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
press this...
hi-pulls came next! did 495. and i felt every rep. must be keto diet kicking in cuz i was dragging butt. walked over to the other side of the gym and worked dumbbell clean & press....went from 55-115lbs in 10lb increments! that made me feel great. hope those help with keg presses.
Monday, June 15, 2009
i dont like mondays...

Sunday, June 14, 2009
my back will hate me later
actually it will be a good thing since the next comp is a 2 days and has 2 deadlift events...
18"max and car deadlift.
used a hammer strength machine that really is very similar to a car deadlift.
loaded that sumbeeyotch up to 540 and did 15, 10, and 5 reps. used my straps for that.
put on 50lbs more and finished with a hold for time...oh yeah another event. did it for a count of thirty. probably should get a timer. hands felt great especially after yesterdays farmers walk.
jumped over to the crossover and did pull thrus...wonderful for the glutes and hams. 165 x 10 for 8 sets. finished my hams with one nasty set of seated leg curls...100x30! and that was harder than i thought.
i weighed 235...not bad considering last night i ate 4 mcdonalds cheeseburgers.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
beer here!

Friday, June 12, 2009
here i go again...
started the workout at 239, ended at 237!
hopefully i can hit 225 and maintain it for september. i want to feel comfortable at that weight. something i wasnt back in april.
event training tomorrow..and its gonna be a scorcher, mid 90's!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
back to it

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
ahhhhh its over
competed on the 6th. central florida strongman in lakeland florida.
was a great day, not too hot and the rain stayed away even though we had a few rumbles.
great venue downtown and a great sponsor...the chop shop oh man let me tell you the burger i had after the comp was amazing!! half pound with blue cheese and onion rings on it....
scott weech put on a good show. we had a press medley, yoke, farmers walk, tire flip/sled drag, and atlas stones. i came in needing this to build my confidence. what happened at the europa beat me down. i did well, for me that is. my right hand gave out on the farmers and the yoke was set too low, i should have had the bar one hole up. made the thing wobble all over. the press medley made me happy...i got both logs with ease. i attempted the axle but nearly fell on my but from the pull. i know if ia could have cleaned it it would have gone up easily. the flip and drag surprised me, but i gassed at the end and was short of the finish. stones....agggh. i know i could have gotten the third one but it was filthy and the tacky would not stick. tried twice before calling it a day.
really happy with it...just for personal reasons.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
its really about nothing

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
is it over yet?

that was good! found a new movement that hits the lats well...did i just type that? sounding like a bodybuilder...used a rope handle on the pulldown.
went for my next bit of cardio and was happy to be able to use the real treadmill.
its not just me. came into work and everyone was having a weird day. i mean everyone!! a full moon is coming...right on saturday too. good omen? hope so cuz maybe i will win.
Monday, June 1, 2009
one more today
some events have changed for saturday. 60' on the farmers walk, was 80. yoke is 80'...uggh.
only 4 guys in my class. so now i further question my need to cut 6lbs. yes i would like to qualify as a lightweight but what will i lose by trying it in 5 days? i cant make early weigh ins cuz i have to work...certainly i do not want to be dehydrated and not fed 2 hours before the comp.
i have september in mind and if i hold at 237, the drop will be easy for then. i should also feel comfortable at a lower weight. so i will shoot for labor day weekend to be a true lightweight.
i just look forward to having fun competing and not stressing.
why am i doing cardio??
Sunday, May 31, 2009
i am...
covering for the boss today. he is gone to be with his dad...major surgery.
its cool to be here....quiet. but i am beginning to feel like i live here.
i am looking forward to this week. usually easy for me the week before a comp.
i need to do some cardio and watch my weight. i would like to come in under 231
but its not a priority. this comp is about having fun.
i dont have much else...i am rather boring.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
1 week...grrr
missed 2 days at the gym and i felt like hurting someone.
but the rest was nice. the heat has turned up along with the humidity...
dont think i can stop sweating.
trained events and they went so-so. had a great start but it went downhill from there.
log was smooth and fast. worked my technique. farmers started the turdball rolling...
barely made 20' with my warmup. that was enough of that. did stones and was ok with it.
but i felt slow with the lightest stone.
so hot i went through 2 shirts....soaked.
teking it easy next week, just cardio and some light work to stretch and stay warm.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
strange days

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
weather woes...

relaxing weekend
sunday i went to the parents and had dinner. lots of food and went home with a ton of leftovers. watched the indy500, just an amazing race.
monday i was the chauffer...drove mom and dad to the hard rock casino. lost my money in the video bandits...was better served drinking at the bar. we went to joes crab shack on the way home. walked or rather waddled out of there, stuffed!
woke up today and got back to business. worked on my pressing in the gym. finally figured out the dip on my press!! now to try it with some serious weight. shoulders are already getting stiff and sore. 10 days till comp....i feel loose and ready to have insane fun!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
more freaking rain

surprisingly i weighed myself and was 231. just where i need to be with 2 weeks to go.
late nite ramblings

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
crazy freaking morning and some back work

so i made it to the gym. weird going in later. but i had it all to soccer moms or silver sneakers!! did my back work today, yes i knowi planned cardio but i realized that i would be doing back too close to events. hi pulls ruled!! but i squished my meat and potatoes, not once but twice. that was no fun.... good mornings were insane!! 495!!! so happy my back is healing well. next were zerchers from the knees, with 365. i nearly passed out each rep... finished my back with rows and pulldowns. very happy with that.
Monday, May 18, 2009
an extra dose
ah well like the song rest for the wicked
hoping to get in all my OT this week and just have a nice long memorial day weekend.
would be nice just to lay around and do nothing for 3 days...ok i will hit the gym and do my events. of course the beach will be calling...
i thought it would be harder to get back on the keto diet but day 2 and i feel pretty darn good. know its kicking in when i feel warm all over. surprisingly the cravings dont get bad, as long as i get a good cheat meal.
tomorrow is another cardio day. easy treadmill time...i now know why some people text while doing it, makes the time go by. i like to break it up with abs or grip work. think it will be abs tomorrow too.
oh what a day

Sunday, May 17, 2009

went to do pressing today. for some reason i cannot get my legs under me for a proper push press..hehe..alliteration...
it hurts the ego more than anything. i am struggling with weights that i can do easily with the push. triceps and delts seem to be managing the weight easily. guessi need to work some explosive front squats or machine squats.
my head is sunburnt today....should have worn a hat at disney yesterday. even though i was ther a couple hours the sun was blistering. took a coworker and family there. just a nice perk for working there. sadly it wasnt really busy...i know attendance is down. people go on vacation!!
spend some cash, there are deals out there.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
the hell with everything and your little dog too

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
for the love of sugar

real corn syrup.
takes me back to the days of being a sugar fueled child. the taste is so different. guess i have to find a kosher deli or wait till passover for kosher coke.
ok on to the training. back today...was more like rack training. i take over the only power rack in the gym...hehehe. starts with shrugs, 605lbs 5 sets of 5 reps. then it goes to good mornings...455 after that zercher lifts. trying the heavy stone weight with these. far too easy! from there i left the heavenly domain of the rack and moved to the crossover cable machine. i end the workout with 8 sets of 1 arm cable rows. to kill the grip i use a tricep rope handle...doubled over. just to make sure i was really tired i got on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
wonder if i will be able to stand up straight tomorrow?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
slightly insane
Monday, May 11, 2009
a few days off
worked and trained events saturday. it was steamy...had to be 90 by 10am. my back was still not happy with anything i did saturday.
sunday i did cardio...hooray my favorite stuff. did delts too. weighed in at 232! had dinner with my mom, dad, sister, and niece. i was stuffed and passed out. so freaking hot sunday i sat my butt inside and watched some ufc. bored enough i went to bed at 8 and got in 12 hours of sound sleep.
today...legs! felt good and my back did not bother me. threw in some cardio just for the heckuva it. feeling pretty darn good too. checking out some competitions for later in the year....ft. myers and south carolina....interesting
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
do or do not there is no try....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
hooray for cardio
not much else happening. although i did see an alligator...
Monday, May 4, 2009

ah day was fun in the gym. only cuz i made it there. did legs and did them without much pain in my back.
leg presses...single leg with 450
box hips hate me for it
romanian deads...very strong
pull thrus....they always get looks, must have a nice butt or i look like an idiot.
hit some HIIT cardio and called it a day.
first day over 90...wish i had more time to lounge around outside. but paying the bills is easier when i show up for work. i am drooling over my dinner but it is too early to eat...cooked up a strip steak i marinated in whiskey and red pepper. took a taste earlier and...patting myself on the was great.
was thinking...dangerous...i am so tired of the internet bullshit i read. so many people live in these forums just to cause trouble and spread crap. hell with all the crap the spread they should take up farming. it bores me and makes me wonder about the quality of humans. it also makes me think about how we view the world. is it skewed because of our lack or real interaction? dont get me wrong i have made some great friends this way...but the majority still rulz.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
snooze alarms

Saturday, May 2, 2009
crisis continued
so i began to have a pity party...woe is sucks and all that....then the old jarhead in me came out and i proceeded to cuss myself out. i am sure my landlord and neighbors thought i have lost my mind. i threw on the sunshine and rainbows speech from "rocky balboa" and some hardass music.
Rocky Balboa: I'd hold you up to say to your mother, "this kid's gonna be the best kid in the world. This kid's gonna be somebody better than anybody I ever knew." And you grew up good and wonderful. It was great just watching you, every day was like a privilige. Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world, and you did. But somewhere along the line, you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good. And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that! I'm always gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. You're my son and you're my blood. You're the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, ya ain't gonna have a life. Don't forget to visit your mother.
i then began to organize my training and stuff for the next competition. am i out of this funk? lets hope so...
Friday, May 1, 2009
much better feeling today in my head and back. the rest has helped physically. i can actually walk with or spasm. i am just on the verge of that ready to train insane mentality...which is a good thing. i have events to train tomorrow.
i still dont know if i want to head down the keto route...maybe it took too much out of me. i just want to have fun and dieting wasnt fun. although i did like the results from the diet. not to sound too narcissitic but i thought i looked pretty damn good.
i did mange to sort through all my stories and art supplies. now i need to work some more on those ideas. sure would love to make money that way...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
crisis of strength
i feel like i have lost my desire to compete and lift. its tiring, exhausting, and time consuming.
ok maybe i just need to cut it back...time to do some other stuff. not just be in the gym all the time. ah well...
the past few days i have been thinking...maybe too much.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
nothing much
so i did no gym work at all. rest seems to be the best thing. muscle relaxers would be great too.
so the downtime has led me to dig up my old artwork and writing...i have some stories to work on. would be fun to redo most of the characters and stories. get my head back to writing and drawing.
so thats all for now...where's the bengay??
Monday, April 27, 2009
please keep your arms and legs in at all times...
i also got my butt in to do some worship...cardio...iron type. did 1 hour total on the elliptical and abs. really you ask...does a strongman need them? YES!!!! we do.
weighed myself and was surprised to be at 232lbs! even after all the garbage i have been consuming. going to be good to come in light in june.
today i made the effort to sleep in...only because i shut off my alarm instead of hitting the snooze. good thing my dog needed a walk or i would have slept all day. got to the gym and took over the only power cage there. back work from hell...shrugs, zercher deads, good mornings, and 1 arm rows. it hurts to sit pain but a little tight. happy with the workout so i did 20 minutes on the elliptical.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
6 weeks
log clean and press 140, 170, 190, 210, 225
tire flip 500 12 flips total
farmers 245 each hand 80'
yoke 400---no pickup 450---pickup...nearly crushed me...holy crap
stones 200, 230, 250---all chalk 270---with tacky
felt pretty good today. back still wacky from last week.
central florida strongman is 6 weeks away. going back to keto diet
tomorrow. i was 235lbs wednesday. want to come in under 231
for this comp and qualify for nationals.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I really want to type something wonderful but my mind is just off in lalaland. Decongestants and antihistamines are a wonderful combination but i still need a wet/dry vac to suck the snot outta my head.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Lessons Learned
Saturday took a turn for the worse. At the competition the first event was the yoke/ barrel carry. 750lbs crushed me. Felt something just pop in my back and my lower back tightened up.
Next was farmers walk 320lbs each hand. I knew what i could do and was happy with what I got but my back was not happy. It only cramped worse. Log clean and press came next. I could not stand up with it. I had no strength in my back. I was ready to quit at that point...hell with that! Deadlift was up next, did my 4 reps with the frame. Moved to the axle and could not budge it.
Finally I decided to give the stone a was 330lbs over a 50" bar. Same result as the log. it wasn't coming off the ground.
After the comp and stuffing myself with free protein drink samples and pizza, I went home and weighed myself. I should have been 235-238 if I refed myself properly. This was the first time I dieted for a competition. It was rough on my body and the results proved it.
Sunday I was able to pop my back and all the tightness and pressure went away. Later i ate pasta, garlic bread, and salad. Oh yeah I had a blizzard too...Went to the gym this morning and the weights felt like nothing. That is how I should have been Saturday.
pics here:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
2 Hours of Cardio and a Song
I cannot wait to get out of work tonight...
and here is a song from Disturbed "Meaning of Life", feel free to sing along....
Get psycho,
I wanna get psycho
Get psycho,
I wanna wanna wanna wannaI wanna get psycho
Run you little bitchI want your power glowing, juicy flowing,
Red hot meaning of life.
It's not enough to have a little tasteI want the whole damn thing, nowCan you dig it?
Need to get psychoWant to hear you say it Say you want it, need it
Don't wanna wait until we finish the showIt's not enough, you hunger for more
You're one twisted little fuck
And now you wanna get psycho with meGive in, give in, decide
Give in, give in, give in, decide
Give inGive in, give in, decide
Give in, give in, give in, decide
Give inGet psycho, I wanna get psycho
Get psycho, I wanna wanna wanna wannaI wanna get psycho
Scratch my itch
Give me your power glowing, juicy flowing,
Red hot meaning of life.
It's not enough to have a little piece
I want the whole damn thing, now
Can you dig it?
Need to get psycho
Want to hear you scream
Tell me to take you, scare you, fuck you
After we finish the show
It's not enough
You listening whore?
You're one twisted little fuck
And now you want to get psycho with me
Give in, give in, decide
Give in, give in, give in, decide
Give in
Give in, give in, decide
Give in, give in, give in, decide
Give inI can feel the blood flowing through my veins spilling on my soul
And now the hunger's getting bigger
Come a little closer now pretentious whore and pull my trigger
Free the violence that is building in me
I say now end of the ride murder suicide is how
I've been feeling lately
Come a little closer now pretentious whore,
I'm reeling with a feeling that
I can't ignore
Come a little closer now pretentious whore,
I'm reeling with a feeling that
I can't ignore
Come a little closer now pretentious whore,
I'm reeling with a feeling that
I can't ignore
The need to get psycho
Is not a question to me
Get get get get, get psycho
Get get get,
I wanna get psycho
Get get get get, get psycho
Get get get,
I wanna wanna wanna
Get psycho, get get get
I wanna get psycho, get get get get
Get psycho, get get get
I wanna get psycho, wanna wanna wanna wanna
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Keeping Busy
I did manage to squeeze myself into my deadlift suit all on my own. Those damn things are uncomfortable...was more like a workout just putting it on. I do know it will help Saturday, besides its allowed so why get the extra pop from it.
Really today was about distracting myself from the competition Saturday. I can feel the tension rising the closer I get. I can certainly feel something mean and angry rising in me. I don't want to let it out too early, but I definitely do not want to let it consume me. So now I am occupying my time watching anime on HULU...a new one called Glass Fleet.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Haircuts and Oakleys
So I thought just buzz it short, nothing crazy. I eneded up going bare clippers. I have a rather nice head. Freaked some people out at work. I know i will catch crap from my mom...haha. For some reason she doesnt like it when i buzz my hair...oh well I am an adult.
I had a miserable time doing cardio today. 40 minutes is all I could manage. I did weigh 230 though and that made me happy. Happy enough to treat myself to a new pair of Oakleys. Seeing as how I have lost 2 pairs in the last year. I used the sunglasses as my carrot on an stick with this diet. Seems to have helped!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Cardio, Massage and Other Ramblings..
Last week I scheduled a deep tissue massage...had to get out early to get it done. Felt great! The girl that did it worked me over good. Of course as I am heading there everyone decides they need my help....sorry no can do!
I know I am doig well this week. Last week I was dragging my butt thru everything. The little rest and relaxation has helped restore my desire and sanity. My music gets me fired up and thinking about competing is actually exciting! Strangely I am also rather at ease and relaxed.
A few more days...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Magic Number and Music as a Weapon
I proceed to spend 3 hours doing cardio and pseudo-strongman events. I did zercher deads, good mornings, push presses, and holds. Inbetween these I spent 20 minutes on the dreadmill, for a total of 80 minutes. I ended my time there with 40 minutes on the cardio 120 minutes.
Got on the scale...dum dum dum...231lbs!! Finally all this cardio and dieting has paid off. 6 days to go till weigh ins. Looks like I can drop a few more lbs this week. Made it back to Wallyworld, picked up my car, early, went home and took care of laundry, lunch and my dog. Speaking of lunch...I cannot stand fish anymore.
Music as a Weapon
Oh man I have been looking forward to this for a long time. Even though there were bands playing outdoors all day I went at night for the headliners...Chimaira, Lacuna Coil, Killswitch Engage, and of course DISTURBED!!!!
Chimaira opened. What can I say? Just not my speed. Too much scream and all the songs sounded the same.
Lacuna!! Think Evanesence with a much harder sound. Very impressed. Going to pick up their new CD when it comes out.
Killswitch Engage was fun. They had the best pit going. Sounded great! They ended with "Holy Diver" Oh hell that was great...DIO!!!! Put up them horns!!
One thing about the opening acts, their mic's sucked!! Could barely hear or understand the singers.
Then what I have been waiting for....DISTURBED!! Saw them last year at House of Blues and was impressed. Now I get to see them in a large venue. Draiman came out on the Emblem and landed onstage. They did all the great songs. The medley of songs was quite impressive. The reset the stage for Indestructible...camo netting and red,white and blue lighting. The band came out...guitarist was in an Air Force shirt, bassist in an Army shirt, drummer and singer in camo!!
Then it went black...and the crowd is going that it?? Drums begin to bang and the spotlight comes up on the drummer...a killer drum solo!!! Lasted something like 5 minutes.
Then came the finisher...The Sickeness...cant go home without hearing it. Draiman was in the crowd on a lighted lift and sang most of the song there. Then he made his way to the stage and finished. Lights up go home....
The wait to get out of the parking garage was endless. What brought me joy was watching the redneck stoners pushing their car...must have spent all their money on tickets and pot.
Today my ears are still ringing....
Friday, April 10, 2009
Water Weight and Tires
Since this is new let me explain...I am cutting weight to enter the lightweight division for North American Strongman Inc. The weight limit is 231lbs. I am competing next week in Orlando, Florida at the Europa Show of Champions. The contest is a Pro/Amateur meet with a procard going to the winners in each weight class.
Wanting to achieve something more than last place and a so-so existence in strongman I decided to take the leap. I noticed my strength is up there for the lightweights. I am not the best but I can do well. The challenge is dropping the weight....I LOVE FOOD!! I made the choice and have really stuck to my diet. I have been doing a ketogenic diet. Whats that you ask? Basiclly you are getting your body to burn ketones(fats) instead of carbs as fuel. It means the body is burning the fat in your body and you lean out.
I started at 248lbs 3 months ago. I dont miss the carbs so much but I sure do want a pizza....
Now the rest of my day. I was driving to work jamming to the ipod. But damn it starts to get noisy!! Turn off the radio....Sounds like a flat tire. Figures I am driving in the middle of nowhere. I get to a spot i can pull over and get it swapped with the on in to work. All the spring breakers and holiday goers are jamming the streets. Cant make it to the tire place.
So I figure i will wake up early, go to Wally World, get a new tire, and make my way across the street to do some more cardio.